Published Oct 19, 2005
nutella, MSN, RN
1 Article; 1,509 Posts
Hello Suzanne & All,
I `m still having trouble with the CVS N.Y. . It really looks that they did not get ANY transcripts from Germany . Perhaps N.Y. will accept me without that-I don`t know, I am waiting . But if they decide to accept me and I can take the NCLEX --how can I endorse an MA license? MA requires proof of education. Does it means that I will have to move to N.Y.? Or what about N.H. ( would be much closer )? I could commute to N.H.-it is not that far.
Is it possible that they share the documents I try to get for my Visa Screen Certificate?
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
Hello Suzanne & All,I `m still having trouble with the CVS N.Y. . It really looks that they did not get ANY transcripts from Germany . Perhaps N.Y. will accept me without that-I don`t know, I am waiting . But if they decide to accept me and I can take the NCLEX --how can I endorse an MA license? MA requires proof of education. Does it means that I will have to move to N.Y.? Or what about N.H. ( would be much closer )? I could commute to N.H.-it is not that far.Is it possible that they share the documents I try to get for my Visa Screen Certificate?Thanks,nutella
Hello, nutella,:balloons:
I spoke with Suzanne per phone tonight. She said that she would get back with you next week. She may be back online by Monday evening and can assist you at that time. So, do not worry about things. She has an answer for you.
Hello, nutella,:balloons: I spoke with Suzanne per phone tonight. She said that she would get back with you next week. She may be back online by Monday evening and can assist you at that time. So, do not worry about things. She has an answer for you.
Hi Siri!
Thanks a lot and greetings to Suzanne! I read that she is busy with moving so I hope she is doing o.k. with all that stuff. It is really sweet that you took care of my question!!:balloons:
I will chime in next week -- it is not urgent and I won`t worry .
Thanks again,
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
CVS will usually have a limit as of six months wait time, after that they will submit your documents, etc to NY, then they will make a decision as to what else that they will need.
You can always have your school submit your documents to your state of choice, that is not an issue at all. Don't worry.............:)
320 Posts
nutella, did you call your school registrar if they received a Request of Transcript from CGFNS CVS? how long have you been waiting for your CVS?
CVS will usually have a limit as of six months wait time, after that they will submit your documents, etc to NY, then they will make a decision as to what else that they will need.You can always have your school submit your documents to your state of choice, that is not an issue at all. Don't worry.............:)
Hi Suzanne,
How are you? Are you working for a travel agency or is it the regular moving crazyness? Hope everything works out for you!
O.k. I started N.Y. and CV N.Y. told me that they will issue the report within 45 days beginning Nov.1 , but since they did not get anything I assume that N.Y. won`t accept me.
I started getting transcripts for VisaScreen .
My question now is: Shall I apply now for initial license in MA or is it better to wait for N.Y. and than see what they want me to do? I guess they will write something not before January.
Yes I called and 2 nursing school and a medical technician school have never gotten anything. The same with the license. So I wrote nice letters to the CVS to check school adresses. So far without success. Also, CVS sent out letters to me which never made it to my box and I live in the USA . Finally I got the first letter ever from the Visa Screen people telling me that they are waiting for the documents.
I had no problem to reach the schools and they started to send back to the VisaScreen guys.
My problem ist that I have to get back to work - One income with 2 kids is a little bit tight .
nutella, did you tried calling CGFNS CVS on the telephone and asked about your CVS status?
141 Posts
Hie Nutella
I'm going thru the same predicament with CGFNS. I spoke to CGFNS on the 23/9/05 and the guy told me they would be sending off my things to NYBON the following week. And when I listened on the automated system to check my status it said "everything had been approved" thus I had called to see what was the delay. I called NYBON yesterday and they said they had not received anything from CGFNS. So I called CGFNS again and the other guy now told me its because they had not received my transcript for Verification for NY. So I said but online status says you got my transcript ? Thaen he said we did get a transcript but when it arrived "Visa Screen" grabbed it, so we can't use the same now for NY once VS has it. But if Verification had got it first then they would have used it for both which to me is unfair and confusing. So he advised me to contact the college and ask them to send another transcript coz CGFNS claims they already sent 3letters. So I called the college and they said they sent the transcript in July thus they ignored the other letters I guess coz they thought they had done their part.
So what I figured out now is to tell the college to send 2 transcript if they get a request as it has slowed me way down.
Sorry too long.
Hi Lee Tendayi,
Boy! What an unorganized organisation! I am still not sure that they really sent out some letters to my school ( because everybody told me something else) and also my online status was so strange. Sometimes it said "ready for review" than again "waiting for required items" and so on. Finally I decided to get the transcripts for VisaScreen by myself and now I guess I will wait for N.Y. BON to tell me what to do. It has been more than 7 months now that I applied for CVS and they told me that they will issue the report somewhow between Nov.1 and mid of December.
For me it is really hard to get the transcripts as I am living in the US and it is easier if you can just walk into the school with the forms and see how they are doing with that.
This paper work is a nightmare, but finally we all will be successful --- Special thanks to Suzanne!!
reading both your posts made me regret applying to NY state
Hm. I don`t know what is wrong with that but I know from others who need things from Germany that they had a lot of trouble and some gave up.
These are two rare cases, none of my students had any issue with going the NY route. It is the easiest route to go if you need a Visa Screen Certificate also, and espeically if you are no longe in your home country. Plus NY will issue you a hard license without a SSN#. This is also quite important.
Hie NutellaI'm going thru the same predicament with CGFNS. I spoke to CGFNS on the 23/9/05 and the guy told me they would be sending off my things to NYBON the following week. And when I listened on the automated system to check my status it said "everything had been approved" thus I had called to see what was the delay. I called NYBON yesterday and they said they had not received anything from CGFNS. So I called CGFNS again and the other guy now told me its because they had not received my transcript for Verification for NY. So I said but online status says you got my transcript ? Thaen he said we did get a transcript but when it arrived "Visa Screen" grabbed it, so we can't use the same now for NY once VS has it. But if Verification had got it first then they would have used it for both which to me is unfair and confusing. So he advised me to contact the college and ask them to send another transcript coz CGFNS claims they already sent 3letters. So I called the college and they said they sent the transcript in July thus they ignored the other letters I guess coz they thought they had done their part.So what I figured out now is to tell the college to send 2 transcript if they get a request as it has slowed me way down.Sorry too long.
I would call and ask to speak to a supervisor. You were given incorrect information. As long as protocol was followed, and your school sent the one set of documents, that is all that is required. AS long as it was sent from the CGFNS request, then you are covered. It makes no difference as to who processes it first. Definitely speak to someone in charge.