Published Oct 17, 2003
rileygrl11, BSN, RN
123 Posts
Just like another nurse a few posts back, I, too, had a crying jag at work this week and ended up having to go home before my shift started (thank God I didn't have to give report like she did).
What it boils down to is that I feel I have been treated unfairly and "picked on" by mgmt the last few months and it seems to have started when I interviewed for a few positions on other units. Everything was fine before that time and I have worked on that specific unit for 2 years.
After this week's past events, I just cannot stay on that unit and need transferred elsewhere or will end up having to leave altogether. I did have an interview at another facility yesterday as a back up. I also called HR and they directed me to Employee Relations saying they would be able to help me and it would be confidential. I did not bad mouth my unit or mgmt,...I just said that I could not take it anymore and needed to be transferred. I also mentioned that I did not want to leave but if need be, I would have to.
I am trying to protect myself and 2 years of work history but at the same time I wonder if I am going to "black ball" myself further for these actions? Has anyone ever dealt with Employee Relations before and what was your experience? I guess I am rather "green" at not rolling over and playing dead with mgmt. so I need all the advice I can get. Thanks!!!
4,516 Posts
I know EAP is 'confidential', but I my hospital the info can be uncovered/shared if it is deemed a job related necessity, or under other circumstances that are listed in the PP book. The list seems to be, IMO, quite general and open for interpretation, so I am cautious with EAP's.
I would sure check your policies before sharing freely. Not to say don't get HELP...but I would probably play it safe and find my OWN counselor for anything serious that you do NOT want shared with the boss. Just my cautious self talking here. :)
Perhaps there are some here who can share stories of good experiences with these types of programs.
live4today, RN
5,099 Posts
Nope...stick with private docs and counselors far removed from where you work. I wouldn't want my personal life told, revealed, or blackballed by some angry jealous employee or mgmt. Keep your beezwax to yourself sharing only those things you don't mind being known. TRUST NO ONE!
But if I am wanting to stay at this facility BUT transfer to another unit what other options would I have? Up until this, I've always had an excellent work record and am afraid of having it ruined just because I showed an interest elsewhere. When this started, I heard from numerous co-workers that this nurse mgr. did all that was possible to prevent transfers. Quiting the facility was the preference,....which makes no sense to me. I just want away from this.
renerian, BSN, RN
5,693 Posts
I would not go to an EAP either. Confidential, I am sure it would not always be that. Maybe I am paranoid. I am with cheerful.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
Would do everything privately, wouldn't use work insurance either, cash only. Sorry - because I know its expensive, but you want your private business, private.
754 Posts
I've spoken with many from different organizations who have "heard things" about their EAP. It starts out private, but leaks out later. I've never really worked with them. I'm not sure if their talk is idle or true. Better to be safe than sorry. Look at your insurance plan and choose a psych from it. Good luck. We all have been ready for a change. Management that is not willing to accept it, is not one that you'd want to work under!
273 Posts
If you are forced to go to EAP to keep your job (somewhat contractual in a lot of cases) because your behaviour or actions have warranted that you have been advised to do this then I would go to EAP. In other words if your boss says 'heyTory, lately your behaviour is worrisome and we feel it is best that you seek some counseling..."
However, as all other posters encourage: if you feel you need counseling and it is not the employer driving the process seek private / clergy whatever. keep it out of the hospital. I know that for the most part I never knew what was discussed if i sent an employee to EAP. However, if they missed a visit i was notified and therefore had grounds to meet with them and say 'you're not holding up your end of the bargin etc".
Lastly, it sounds more like you are being treated unkind for wanting to leave the roost and therefore it is causing you angst and emotional upset because your boss or whoever is a dink. I would say strongly that if you feel you are being treated badly that you seek HR expertise to keep this on the record with them.