Edison State College Nursing Program 2011

U.S.A. Florida


I'm looking for students applying to the summer nursing program this year. Just reaching out and hopefully we'll be classmate.

They called for the summer and fall, so i believe they are gonna call this time

Plus Michelle the proctor of the hesi told me that if I didn't hear anything by the 14th to give her a call.

Specializes in CVICU.

That's great!! I went to hand in my application along w/my hesi scores today. I asked them how long and whether it'll be by mail or phone and she couldn't give any answers:( so that's really nice of michelle. Hopfully its a phone call cuz mail is too long. Good luck to all I know you all worked really hard and let's just hope it pays off:)

That's for the Lee campus though so that's probably why they wouldn't tell you anything. I've gotten to know her so she gave me a little info.

They told me that they contact everyone two weeks after the deadline

Well, then we all have until the 14th. Another long wait.

Hopefully, they do it like last year. People were getting calls a week and a half after the deadline.

Hi all! I just wanted to reach out and say good luck to those that are applying! I am currently finishing up my Fundamentals semester at the Collier campus, I was admitted last fall. It has definitely been a busy past 9 months! I enjoy coming on here to see who is applying because anyone that gets in for the summer will be a semester behind us so if you have any questions let me know! Good luck again! :-)

I just gave in my application yesterday! Im soo nervous and Wendy from the Charlotte campus told me they will make calls the second week from Friday, which is April 14. I have a question for you, how is the program so far? How is your schedule?

Specializes in CVICU.

I also have I question, when do clinicals start? 3rd or 4th semester? They don't start the second semester right?

Patricia: The first semester is a piece of cake. You will have Intro to Nursing and Intro to Pharm once a week (it was Tuesdays for us)... You have a culture fair project and a care plan project to do in Intro to Nursing and that takes up the majority of the semester along with a couple of tests. Intro to pharm was just medication calculation, it was pretty basic, but you do have to take 3 medication calculation quizzes that you have to pass with a 90 or better to continue on with the course. I believe you have two attempts at taking the quiz, but they aren't hard at all and the professors are very helpful.

The grading scales are different for nursing school... A 92-100 is an A, 91-85 is a B, and 77-84 is a C, and you must pass the class with a C or higher. So it's a little bit harder to get A's like you would have in your pre-reqs but definitely attainable.

The fundamentals semester is a little harder. We have Fundamentals Lab on Mondays (we also have to go to the hospital to pick up our patient assignments for clinicals and do all of our care plan paperwork on Mondays), Tuesday is Clinical day from 6:30 to 1:00, Wednesday is Fundamentals and Health Assessment lecture from 10-4, and we have Health Assessment Lab on Thursdays. So we stay pretty busy... And if you have the afternoon lab on Mondays, be prepared to stay up late doing paperwork!

It has kept me busy, I heard next semester is hard too (adult 1 semester).. but we also have a week to do our clinical paperwork instead of doing it all the night before, so that's a plus!

Overall, I have had a really good time in the program so far. You are going to get very close to your classmates and the days just fly by! Just be prepared for lots of group projects and presentations! If you are shy at all you get over it really quick! I hope that you guys make it into the program. The professors I've had so far are excellent. And I feel like I have learned so much in such a short amount of time.

Also, there are a lot of people who work in my classes, but if it's at all possible to work just part time or not work at all it definitely helps. You can manage either way, but you will be very busy once you hit Fundies. :-)


You will start your clinicals about a month into your second semester. You have about 3-4 weeks of clinical days at lab at school before you start at the hospital and they will teach you the basics to get you through your first weeks at clinical such as changing an occupied bed, taking vital signs, how to check blood glucose, and doing bed baths. As the weeks progress you will learn how to give meds (oral and injectable) and other skills that you can do if the opportunity presents itself during clinical.

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