Ec dvd/audio/workbook


Specializes in geriatric, school nursing.

Hi all,

Good luck and much success to everyone in the program. I am scheduled for my CPNE in less than two months any info on IVP/IVMP will be appreciated as I am a school Nurse and have limited knowledge in this regard. I have been preparing for this exam long before I even got my CPNE date. Any suggestions and/or assistance? Thank you and believe we can all do this.

Specializes in Trauma, Cardiac Cath/Special procedures.

congrats, have you gotten yourself a nursing skills book. i think ec sells one on their website in the bookstore or try your library or borders, but it is a pretty good resource material. they go over all kind of bedside nursing skills such as hanging iv's, bedmaking, foley cath. insertion, ng tube placement, applying scd's, ted hose. the list goes on, infusion pumps, check one out!!! :)

Specializes in Psych, LTC, Acute Care.

Hope you can get the EC video. Have you tried going to the EPN to see if someone can sell it to you for a discount rate? Try to get Robs video too. Below are the links to Vannessa Manteaus's lab videos on youtube. These are great and she passed with no repeats. I know the CPNE is expensive but try to let funding get in the way of getting those resources. The EC video is just to give you a visual of what the weekend will look like. Its definetley nothing to study with.Good Luck!

We are not allowed to solicit for the purchase or sale of items here.

Find the money for Rob's video, the Excelsior flashcards, and the on-line care planning conference call.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.
We are not allowed to solicit for the purchase or sale of items here.

Not to mention that posting email addresses violates the terms of service (TOS) as well ...

Specializes in Advanced Practice, surgery.

Please take care not to post emails in your posts as it is not permitted under the terms of service of the site.

Specializes in geriatric, school nursing.

My post definitely was not intended to violate any policies as I truly did not remember we could not do that. Anyways, many thanks to all who responded.

NC Girl RN -Great resources.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

Have you visited the EPN on EC's website? Priceless resource! You can buy/sell stuff there, and I swear I wouldn't have passed my CPNE without the EPN CPNE forum!

Specializes in geriatric, school nursing.

Lunah, many thanks to you for that invaluable tool. You have now created a monster as majority of my hours are now utilized on those boards. This is the best resource EVER. Again, thank you and good luck to everyone in the programme.:yeah:

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.
Lunah, many thanks to you for that invaluable tool. You have now created a monster as majority of my hours are now utilized on those boards. This is the best resource EVER. Again, thank you and good luck to everyone in the programme.:yeah:

LOL! So glad to share. It's amazing how many EC students don't know about or visit the EPN! I don't know if it's poor website design, lack of emphasis, or what ... but the EPN is not easy to find for a lot of students. Heck, I didn't know anything about it until I went to Lynn's workshop in December 2007, and all these students were talking about the "boards." I was like, "What boards?" I still visit the EPN! I love watching the parade of new GNs on Sundays/Mondays. :D

I loathe their forum style and despise the lack of search, but the people on the EPN are really great :)

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