Eastern Florida State College Melbourne Spring 2017


I'm making this post for anyone who is applying to the Melbourne(formerly Palm Bay) spring 2017 nursing program. Just listing for general talk about scores, advice, and what have you. I'm taking my TEAS the 10th, and have a point total of 34. Looking forward to your comments.

Applying for the program. Will have 31 points, 3 letters of reference, and hopefully a high teas score. Taking it Thursday.

I applied for this program too! I had 30 points 3 letters of recommendation and scored a 78 overall on the teas and an 88 on the reading! Hopefully we all get in :)

My TEAS score was 86.7 with a reading score of 90.5. Finalizing my application now(writing and re-writing my essay) so I can turn it in Monday morning. I'm sure I'll see several people doing the same, lol.

Let the wait begin! It still feels so surreal to be at this point!

I also applied. I had an 88 reading and 97 math. Science really messed me up on the TEAS!! I have 35 points, so I am hoping I will get a spot for the Spring.

Did anyone apply to UCF as well?

The wait is killing me. I had 37 points and a 74 on the TEAS overall and 86 in reading.

Has anyone heard about possible release dates of a letter or an e-mail?

The suspense is killing me.

I'm wishing luck to us all!

From past years posts I believe we should know around the 10th. On pins and needles myself. Really hoping for the best for us all.

Just hoping everyone is staying safe! Next week we should have some results! Again, best of luck to everyone.

Anyone find out yet?

I haven't. I'm assuming if this week, it won't be today because they probably didn't mail out anything Thursday or Friday because of the storm. So anxious for this wait to be over :-/

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