Duke Nurse Residency 2016! (feb 28th apps)

Nurses New Nurse


Hey all!!!

Just want to make a forum for the Duke Nurse Residency Program. Applications are open now, and will close Feb 28th 2016.

Good luck to all! And keep us posted here!!

I sent in my app, and it has changed to "forwarded to hiring manager". Has anyone else had that change?

- Ray


Another west coaster! Any news after the interview!?

- Ray

I have accepted a position in the Neuro ICU!!! I start July 25!

Hey everyone! I accepted a position on the CT ICU and my start date is August 8th!! I'm moving down from Massachusetts on my own. If anyone has any advice I'd really appreciate it! I'm so excited!

Specializes in Cardiothoracic ICU.
Hey everyone! I accepted a position on the CT ICU and my start date is August 8th!! I'm moving down from Massachusetts on my own. If anyone has any advice I'd really appreciate it! I'm so excited!

Welcome to the CTICU! Me and another cticu resident officially start on the floor next week. We are communting from Raleigh, which is about and hour drive each way. Parking sucks, as we are low on the totem pole & have to park in the far garages. Hearing mixed reviews about Durham. Raleigh is really cool, but far. Cary and Chapel Hill are good options too! Hope this helps!

- Ray

Specializes in CICU.

i would say to those of you that are granted interviews to look over duke's nursing core values. if you can think about what those values mean to you, and how you embody them...you should NAIL your interview. Don't just know what is on this HR handout, really think about how you have/or will embody them as a nurse. Think of good short examples that you can give to how you represent them. They won't ask you directly, "how do you act with integrity?" but maybe something along the lines of "tell us about a difficult situation and how you handled it" excellence - "when was a time you went above and beyond?" The questions are BEHAVIOR based. And your answer does not have to be nursing specific. Maybe you had a difficult table you waited on in a restaurant...how did you handle it. A coworker who said they would do something for you and then didn't. What did you do about it? What was your reaction?


Have good questions ready for your unit. ex) what's one thing your unit is working towards improving (maybe a EBP or CQI project they have going on). What are you most proud of your unit for? What's one thing you would change? you could easily extend this question out to the whole hospital system...

You would be surprised at some of the honest answers you get. I walked away from one unit going, "not on my life would I take a job there" and another going, "Whoa. They're really impressive!"

And above all, be HONEST! I got asked in an interview how I take criticism. I straight up told them that I feel anyone who gets helpful feedback probably feels a little sheepish/embarrassed at the bare minimum at first. No one ever wants to be corrected. But I can still hear what they're saying, put my ego aside, take correction w/out holding a grudge or taking it personal & apply what they said to my practice.

Specializes in CICU.

I STRONGLY recommend this site for practice on how to answer behavior based interview questions:

The Master Guide to Behavioral Interview Questions

Hi everyone!

I interviewed in March and was offered a position on 7W (CTICU) with a start date of August 8th. I am graduating from school in Boston in May but am originally from New York. I read some things above about living in Chapel Hill and Cary above, but does anyone have any other suggestions about areas or apartments near the hospital? Also, is anyone potentially looking for a roommate?

Hey ntd16!

First congratulations on the position! I also just accepted a position on the CT ICU with a start date of August 8th and I'm relocating from Massachusetts. I know during my shadow and interview people told me to look at townhouses in Brier Creek that were really nice and not too far from the hospital. I just emailed the woman I interviewed with yesterday because she said she may be able to help find me a roommate! I'm so excited to be working at Duke too!

Hi ntd16! Congrats on your offer! I'm kinda looking for a roommate since I realized my paycheck isn't going to be as big as I thought! I'm looking near the Southpoint area, 10-15 minutes from the hospital, right next to a nice mall... I would love to live in downtown Raleigh but a little unsettled about the drive. it would be 30-35minutes at the place I've strongly considered. Let me know! :D Anyone looking for a roommate let me know! :up: My start date is July 25th and would need to move in July 19 or 20th

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