Duke CRNA Class 2023, Applications Oct 2019

Nursing Students SRNA


I finally have all my ducks in a row (I think lol), and able to apply to my dream school and career. Anxious, but nonetheless very excited for the weeks to come. Wondering if there is anyone else out there submitting to Duke University's CRNA program this year and wanting to connect. I waited a full year in anticipation for their CRNA experience day, and the experience couldn't have been better. It more than confirmed they fit my goals, life and absolute passion for everything that I look for in a school. Especially after visiting many other's who were great schools but just didn't fit me as a person. I am hoping to connect with possible future school mates, and if anything cheer you on if I am only on the sidelines in the end or jump in excitement together.

Specializes in NICU.

Me! I’ve heard nothing. 99.8% sure it’s a big ol glass of nope juice from them but would still like to know.

Specializes in Medical Intensive Care.

HA! Yeah I figured. I moderately enjoy the deception.

Specializes in CTICU.

I’m also waiting to hear back ? my status says “under review”

Specializes in SICU.
On 11/1/2019 at 4:58 PM, emjospur said:

It used to be about 60 interviewing for 25 spots. But a lot has changed this year

What changed?

Hey everyone I’m new to this post! But I got an interview for Duke on the 19th! I went to the open house experience day a few months back. I’m excited about this program and hope to meet some more of you then! ..is Anyone interviewing at multiple places?

Specializes in SICU.

Hey awesome, good luck. Will be there the 22nd. Would love to hear about it if you’re willing to share. Just email me. I applied to a few places just because application periods are so spread out, and I was sure that I would get rejected at least at one place. How about you?

Specializes in CardioThoracic Surgical ICU.
On 11/13/2019 at 12:48 AM, ICURN4LIF3 said:

Hey everyone I’m new to this post! But I got an interview for Duke on the 19th! I went to the open house experience day a few months back. I’m excited about this program and hope to meet some more of you then! ..is Anyone interviewing at multiple places?

Where are you coming from??

On 11/5/2019 at 11:50 PM, larsvon said:

Me! I’ve heard nothing. 99.8% sure it’s a big ol glass of nope juice from them but would still like to know.

Have you heard anything back yet?

Specializes in SICU.

ICURN4Lif3- it looks like you got accepted at some pretty awesome schools. How many places are you applying?

Specializes in SICU/ED.

I interview on the 20th anyone else?

I applied to quite a few schools this year since last year I limited myself too much and I’m very serious about getting this 3 yr journey started. I’m fortunate to have had the opportunity to interview at great schools this year. I’m most excited to go back to Duke and look forward to the interview day. I’ve been weighing a lot of pros and cons which I’m sure everyone has been doing as they apply to programs they feel are the best fit for themselves and I really see only pros for Dukes program. So good luck to everyone! Interviews are right around the corner ?

Specializes in CardioThoracic Surgical ICU.
1 hour ago, ICURN4LIF3 said:

I applied to quite a few schools this year since last year I limited myself too much and I’m very serious about getting this 3 yr journey started. I’m fortunate to have had the opportunity to interview at great schools this year. I’m most excited to go back to Duke and look forward to the interview day. I’ve been weighing a lot of pros and cons which I’m sure everyone has been doing as they apply to programs they feel are the best fit for themselves and I really see only pros for Dukes program. So good luck to everyone! Interviews are right around the corner ?


I feel where you are coming from and may have limited myself too much this year. I only applied and got an interview at Duke because it was one of the only schools that fit my family and myself's needs personally. I got online and spent hours reducing my list to 10 schools, visited 9 of them with the exception of Emory because the traffic was so bad I just said NO before I even got there. Emory is another very supportive amazing program like Duke, I spoken with the director a few times at NTI and over the phone and fell in love, but like I said, the traffic was a no go. Anyone from the Atlanta area, if you can handle the traffic, take the time to speak with the director, she is passionate, caring and very supportive. Some of the clinical sites are killer and if I had family in Atlanta I would likely have applied there as well.

I won't know what to do if I don't get in. I really am very picky about schools and don't want to apply anywhere else. My family support is near by with my sister and the area is good for my kids and husband for relocation. Duke is such a great school. There are so few with the faculty support needed to succeed and have a good experience. So, all of my eggs are in the Duke basket and I have my fingers crossed. I have been a critical care nurse for 7 years and totally ready to get my 3 year journey started as well. When my father in law offered to pay my tuition, why wouldn't I go?? Who knows, maybe we will all be classmates this time next year. ?? Good luck to all, I am rooting for you all!!! I will be in the Durham area from the 19th to the 22nd, and I interview on the 21st.

Specializes in CardioThoracic Surgical ICU.
2 hours ago, NurseChristine13 said:

I interview on the 20th anyone else?

I will be there the 21st. Would love to PM if you're up to chatting. I think there is a glitch on here with PM. Not sure how to go about chatting without giving out my personal info. Maybe email? or WhatsApp.

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