Duke ABSN Spring 2021


For 2021 Duke ABSN applicants, in this forum we can help each other out by answering questions we might have!

Has anyone applied to this program? Where else is everyone applying? I applied back in 2018 but my transcripts did not make it on time so didn't get in the program.

On 4/16/2020 at 11:14 PM, redster23 said:

Has anyone applied to this program? Where else is everyone applying? I applied back in 2018 but my transcripts did not make it on time so didn't get in the program.

I applied a few weeks ago. I also applied to U of Miami, Loyola U Chicago, George Washington, Pace U & U of Rochester. I casted my net out wide ?

On 4/16/2020 at 11:14 PM, redster23 said:

Has anyone applied to this program? Where else is everyone applying? I applied back in 2018 but my transcripts did not make it on time so didn't get in the program.

I submitted my application last week and this is my first time applying to Duke. As of right now I’m only gonna be applying to accelerated programs around NC!

Luckily for this cycle they are accepting unofficial transcripts for review!

Any of you still has prereqs that you have to complete? I took all of my science courses over 7 years ago. I am applying into a few nursing ABSN programs as a change of career move on my part....Most schools are wanting me to retake some of the science courses....If so, where'd you take your science courses? Will an online course be sufficient? I am looking at Duke and GWU for now and not really sure. I live in CA and afraid that the prereqs might hinder my application for the CA BRN requirement because of an online course. I appreciate everyone's feedback....

3 minutes ago, redster23 said:

Any of you still has prereqs that you have to complete? I took all of my science courses over 7 years ago. I am applying into a few nursing absn programs as a change of career move on my part....Most schools are wanting me to retake some of the science courses....If so, where'd you take your science courses? Will an online course be sufficient? I am looking at Duke and GWU for now and not really sure. I live in CA and afraid that the prereqs might hinder my application for the CA BRN requirement because of an online course. I appreciate everyone's feedback....

Hi! Yes, you can apply while your prerequisites are in progress! As LONG as it's completed by the first day of class and you send your updated transcript in. Some schools (like Loyola U in Chicago) asked me to show them proof that I was actually registered for the class this Summer. I'm retaking A&P 1&2 this Summer bc I took them 5 years ago when nursing was my first major. And I remember nothing LOL. Now 99.99% of these schools ask for you to take it with a lab which low-key means you can't take it online (but my a/p classes have recently been turned into an online class with simulation labs because of rona) What about a community college near you? It's cheapest and you will get the most information out of it ? Lmk if you have any questions ?

16 minutes ago, redster23 said:

Any of you still has prereqs that you have to complete? I took all of my science courses over 7 years ago. I am applying into a few nursing absn programs as a change of career move on my part....Most schools are wanting me to retake some of the science courses....If so, where'd you take your science courses? Will an online course be sufficient? I am looking at Duke and GWU for now and not really sure. I live in CA and afraid that the prereqs might hinder my application for the CA BRN requirement because of an online course. I appreciate everyone's feedback....

I took all my prerequisites at my local community college. The classes were much cheaper and smaller than classes from a university. I definitely would recommend it!

I'm about to submit my application so fingers crossed everything goes accordingly!

Has anyone tried to email the admissions office? If so, how long did it take for them to email you back? I sent an email out Wednesday afternoon and have yet to hear anything back.

I reviewed the ones from the last two years and they said that ----------------------- is pretty good about responding to emails. I am thinking most of them are either working from home or just completely not available....

On 4/20/2020 at 1:05 PM, careerchanger said:

I'm about to submit my application so fingers crossed everything goes accordingly!

I sent mine last week! It's a pretty competitive program. Have you guys connected with any of the folks that have been admitted in the past.....I'm wondering what their experience is like once they got their offer....

Does anyone have any recommendations on where would be a good college to take the prereqs? I heard people talking about Portage...community college is challenging since I've been out of school for a while so my chances of getting in the class our pretty slim -- I just don't want to be waitlisted and not get in since time is of essence....

@redster23 I would try to take the classes at your local community college if possible. But I don’t think having prerequisites over five years old is a deal breaker. It says that they strongly recommend that you consider retaking them as a refresher before the program begins. So technically it’s not required.. I don’t think.

As far as this program being competitive.. I’m scared because I don’t have much background/volunteer experience at a hospital setting and my GPA isn’t too great either. Pursing a career in nursing is something I recently decided to do so hopefully my personal statements make up for that!

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