Duke ABSN Fall 2015

U.S.A. North Carolina


Hi All,

Just wanted to get a thread going for those who are applying to the Fall 2015 ABSN program. What are some of your degrees in? Is anyone applying to other schools? Also, is anyone planning on moving to North Carolina to attend?

yup, I got it. It made my heart skip a beat when I saw her name! I can't believe its finally here. I am starting to get nervous! Anyone else? :) Its the only place I applied since having a working husband and 3 kids won't allow me to travel far. I applied to Duke first (although it is my first choice regardless) because UNC's ABSN program doesn't start until August.

Hi you guys. I am actually in my first semester here at Duke. It is crazy to think that i was where you where like a year ago. I don't know how much help I can be but I am here if you need anything. :)

How is the program going so far? Thinking about applying for next spring.

ncwildflowers - i'd say I'm more anxious than nervous...i just want to know! these last couple of weeks are going to creep by. good luck to all!

also, doesn't Duke's program start in August, as well?

i think so... it's semester system.

How long does it take to get a decision from duke? Working on my application now.

About 3 months. We apply by 12/1 and find out first week of March

Gotcha! The deadline is June 1st for next spring so should find out I assume sometime September. Have you been accepted??

we receive acceptances, rejections, waitlists first week of march

Hahah you did just mention that before...sorry haha. Good luck to you all!!!

Writing this with a few other current cohort comments...we are all currently in the ABSN program. Here are the pros and cons to the program that few of us wish we were told before:

-Clinical skills are strongly lacking and barely taught 1st semester (some people are still struggling with vital signs).

-No clinical in hospital 1st semester---therefore, if you are looking for hands-on and strong clinical teaching right off the bat, you will be very disappointed. I have friends in other great ABSN programs that are already in the hospital 1st semester, doing hands-on skills, & learning applicable clinical skills in lab.

-My friend's clinical placement has zero patient contact and she has never worked in any medical field before. My clinical has few patient contact but barely. They weren't organized well & other friend calls her placement "glorified babysitting".

-People fail classes and we have several in our Pharm/Patho course. If you are not strong exam taker, there is not other ways to get enough points in that course. It would be a great struggle for those who do not test well. 3 semesters of Patho/Pharm to consider.

-Many people keep saying things can be very disorganized----too many professors for one, single course. Sometimes 2-5 professors for one course.

-Cut down Global Trip to 3 countries and only so many people will get to go. People will be cut from going on trip or waitlisted. Those who don't get picked will be required to do the community clinical in Durham or surrounding area. One thing that drew a few of us to program was the many global locations and that opportunity. Noted by several cohort friends.

-Professors do not know everyone in cohort or names.


-Duke holds a great reputation

-Duke Medical faciliities have great reputation

-Opportunities post-graduation

-Good Cohort size

-Lab instructors are helpful and enthusiastic

-Simulation lab impressive and helpful

-Nursing facilities state-of-the-art

If you are looking for hands-on, strong 1st semester clinical placements, where points can be earned just not on exams then I would say that into consideration. There are pros and cons to every place but we were all stating that it would have been nice to know some of this beforehand. Think we all had different idea on what to expect and somethings have exceeded expectations while others have been disappointing. At the end of the program, it is all of our wishes that we come out as great clinical Nurses with good critical thinking skills.

Good Luck To All!

Wow thank you so much for this amazing feedback! Definitely gives us things to think about. Can you give an idea of the grades it took you to get accepted? Just curious. Thanks!

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