Duke ABSN Fall 2015

U.S.A. North Carolina


Hi All,

Just wanted to get a thread going for those who are applying to the Fall 2015 ABSN program. What are some of your degrees in? Is anyone applying to other schools? Also, is anyone planning on moving to North Carolina to attend?

@ncwildflowers from what I read from previous threads they do not rank waitlist. If so I urge you to be proactive updating your grades and achievements. Also unc would be cheaper and a good school. I was afraid I wouldn't get into any school so I applied to around 12 I do not regret it because I didn't want to risk not getting in anywhere. I know it's expensive, and I had days where I couldn't buy food so I could pay application fees, but I knew I wanted to start nursing school asap. I know some ppl who apply to a few schools and reapplied because they didn't want to relocate or were determined to get into one school as well. Good luck! There's a probability I'm turning down duke.

Is anyone seeing financial aid info if you got in? I thought we would get that at the same time.

Hi All!

I've been watching this thread for awhile but have been too nervous to post. I just got accepted, and couldn't be more elated. Younger sister attends Duke UG, so I'm thrilled to move closer to family. Has anyone thought about which Duke Days they will be attending?

Congratulations to everyone who got good news, and I am keeping my fingers crossed for those on the waitlist.

I have a link for financial aid that was not previously there but no "package"..I was wondering about this as well.

Also, did anyone receive the email? I haven't yet; there may be more information regarding financial aid there.

As for financing, have any of you started getting things set up (even if for other schools?). I haven't started the process yet and am dreading it just a bit but it has to be done. And I'd totally expect some people to drop based on tuition cost so for those of you on the WL I wouldn't worry too much yet :)

I will go do Duke Days but not sure which one yet. Coming across the country from Oregon! It will be a big (welcome) change for my family!

Waitlisted as well...staying positive though. Congrats and best of luck to everyone.

...aaaand the email JUST came through :)

Nevermind, that was an email from Nora but just with a social media badge thing.. Hmm. Well, lots to figure out over the next few weeks. Congrats again!

Did you get an email about financial aid? I just got a quick welcome email. r4611, congrats and I'm glad you joined our condo!

Oh and I think I'm going to duke days on Friday.

I got an email from nora. I got accepted. I am in !!!!

Congrats everyone! Btw since I'm not from the south, what is the reputation between Emory and Duke nursing? Also living wise between Atlanta and Durham? Coming from LA I'm a city girl.

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