we have this dr at our hospital that won't call back. we page him several times and he dosen't return calls. what is so horrible about this situation is he is the chief medical officer.. the doc we call when we have a problem w/ the doctors.. one time i had a pt with a h&h of 7.1 and 21. he never called back to get an order for PRBC's. i charted that i attempted to reach him and he saw my charting , and told me not to ever chart like that again , it makes him look bad... what a jerk.. anyway i wrote him up and brought it to the dept manager...and who knows what happened. we know write incident reports for everytime he dosen't call back i am always so grateful when i don't get his patients. he dosen't care about the patients and acts as if the nurses are below him. if you do get in touch with him , he tells you to leave a note on the front of the chart, and he will get to it when he comes to the floor.
anyone else ever work with with a looser doc like this?? and how did you handle the creep?.... i was so mad when he thought he could tell me how to chart... grrrrrrrrrrr:angryfire