Doom and Gloom (A & P 1)


Hello All,

So let me start by saying I think this forum is great. I'm 29 years old and starting over (with my career). I'm a techie (I.T. guy, cumputer guy, etc) and have been in the I.T. field since 1999, and while the money is decent I never had any job satisfaction. After long talks with my wife and my brother (who is an R.N.) I've decided that nursing is something I can be passionate about and get the satisfaction I'm looking for.

Getting to the purpose of this post... I read so much Doom and Gloom about A & P 1 (which is only the being)that I'm second guessing the career move. Do I really want to put another 2-3 yrs in college? ... Is A&P1 REALLY that hard or is it the usual hype? Btw, my brother said its not easy, but its far from mind boggling. I guess I'm just looking for a glimmer of light in the seemingly endless dark post about how hard A&P, Microbi, blah blah, are.

Please shine some light my way...

Specializes in ER, ICU, Medsurg.

I loved A&P and let me add that by no means was a "science person" in high school. It scared me 1/2 to death aside from the fact that I had the rumored dreaded hardest professor. What I found was that if you are willing to learn it and put the time in its a cake walk. My A&P class (although the hardest professor) spoon fed the info that we needed to know, unlike nursing classes. I ended up even being the A&P tutor the following semester LOL. Don't let it scare you, if you are truly interested and passionate about the field, A&P will spark you even more......its a fascinating class.

Good Luck to you!!

It of course is not easy! But... If this is something you want you WILL do it!! I feel it is what you put into it!!! If you put it the time and really study then you will do well! Good luck! BTW there is a guy in my program who changed from finance, huge move, it was nervewracking for him and he is doing great!!

AP is just memorization. Thats it. If you can memorize information, you can pass AP. I am definitely NOT scientifically inclined, academically speaking, and I did well enough to "sacrifice" time that I should have spent studying for AP on many occasions, in order to study for my nursing classes, and I still walked away with a B.

As for AP sparking interest if you are "truly interested and passionate about the field" I disagree. I am energetically looking forward to becoming a nurse and I hate AP passionately. Give me a process of understanding function (like math classes) over a class of memorization (like Science or History) any day. That has nothing to do with my desire to care for people and make a difference in the lives of other.

A&P I, in my opinion is actually harder than A&P II. In A&P I, you have to memorize a lot and usually you are working mostly with just anatomy, with very little physiology. BUT...that being said, it is certainly not so hard as to discourage you from going to school. Just study, get through A&P I and then A&P II you do more physiology and learn how all those parts you memorized work together to keep our bodies humming along!!

If nursing is something that you really want to do, then you should not let anything stop you! :D

A&P 1 & 2 contain LOTS of information, but that information is really interesting. I never had any science in college, but I pulled an A in both A&Ps as well as in Micro. If you want to do this.......and it sounds like you will do fine in A&P. It is alot of memorization, but like I said, I found it very interesting. Good luck!!!!!!

It's just the same as everything else. If you study and do the work you will be fine. You might be surprised that the people who claim a class is "hard" are the same people who don't put the time into the class that is necessary for success.

Don't let A&P scare you...its a very interesting class..just study, memorize the body parts and work'll be fine...I maintained an A average in A&P and I'm a master crammer...I dont study until the night before the exam...So it can be done but u have to go into the class with the attitude that u will knock out an A...

I, too, am a "tech" person in the middle of a career change. Although I enjoyed Anatomy & Physiology and found it fascinating, memorization is difficult for me. Since Anatomy is mostly memorization and Physiology is mostly learning how a system works, I spent a lot of time finding ways to memorize large lists. Despite that, I was able to get an A in A&P I and a B+ in A&P II. They are probably the most difficult college courses I have ever taken, but don't let that deter you! Tens of thousands of students pass it every year - so can you.

It also helped me to keep in mind that I may have to explain this information to a patient once I become an RN...

Specializes in ICU.

They're not easy like a general sociology class might be easy, but they're not quantum physics either. Everyone says AP is just memorization, but really it's the A part that's memorization...the P part (physiology) is more of understanding how things work and if you're a techie you'll probably grasp on to that stuff pretty all makes perfect sense once you understand the general concepts.

I switched to science after years of writing for ad about a switch!

If you want a sneak peak at the type of stuff you'll be learning, I've got a website posted with my notes from AP1 and can find it at:

My advise would be to go to and find the toughest yet most talented teacher at your school. Good luck! You'll be fine!!!

Thank you all for your speedy responses and words of encouragement. My class starts Feb 2 and I'll probably come back every now and then to give quick updates. Thanx again all.

All you have to do is put in enough study time and you'll be fine.

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