Don't lost hope!

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hello everyone,

I have been a reader of these boards for awhile but now feel it is time to tell my story. I took the NCLEX in July and failed at 75 questions. I was devastated and put into much financial strain as I had just gotten married as well. Well, I spent my 91 days studying and the last 3 weeks before the exam did nothing but practice tests. I went and took the NCLEX again on Wednesday and lo and behold once again 75 questions, once again out in under an hour. I was devastated, conviced that i failed, and spend the 2 days i had to wait planning what i was going to do for another 91 days. Well, I checked my score on Pearson yesterday fully expecting to see the dreaded F word....BUT IT SAID PASS! :) I am just so excited and can't wait to get started. I'm hoping my license comes soon! Anyway, just wanted to let those who are waiting know that there really is hope. I have failed at 75 and now passed at 75 and I can honestly say I felt exactly the same after each exam!

This past exam had A LOT of the "check all that apply" questions, a few med math, and a LOT of prioritization. A few asked "You are a nurse working with a new nurse, which action would show proper prioritization from the new nurse?" Those I had never seen in a practice test. Anyway, good luck to all! There is hope!

Specializes in Critical Care, ER.
Hello everyone,

I have been a reader of these boards for awhile but now feel it is time to tell my story. I took the NCLEX in July and failed at 75 questions. I was devastated and put into much financial strain as I had just gotten married as well. Well, I spent my 91 days studying and the last 3 weeks before the exam did nothing but practice tests. I went and took the NCLEX again on Wednesday and lo and behold once again 75 questions, once again out in under an hour. I was devastated, conviced that i failed, and spend the 2 days i had to wait planning what i was going to do for another 91 days. Well, I checked my score on Pearson yesterday fully expecting to see the dreaded F word....BUT IT SAID PASS! :) I am just so excited and can't wait to get started. I'm hoping my license comes soon! Anyway, just wanted to let those who are waiting know that there really is hope. I have failed at 75 and now passed at 75 and I can honestly say I felt exactly the same after each exam!

This past exam had A LOT of the "check all that apply" questions, a few med math, and a LOT of prioritization. A few asked "You are a nurse working with a new nurse, which action would show proper prioritization from the new nurse?" Those I had never seen in a practice test. Anyway, good luck to all! There is hope!

What an inspiring story! Congradulations, to begin with. :balloons: :)

Secondly, best of luck in your new life as a nurse! :uhoh21:

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

That is exciting!!!! Congratulations!

(Another fine example that the number of questions is no indication of whether you pass or not.)

Congrats! Now you can "begin your life" as a nurse. Congrats on marriage too. You have a lot going on right now.

:balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons:

Congratulations and all the best for you!!!!

This is awesome!


Thanks for the post because I got my results tonight and it said I failed. I knew I had failed once the mail man handed me the big white envelope. Anyways I have been really sad and am also terrified of retaking this exam for fear I will fail again. Feel at a loss as to where to even begin. I had taken kaplan and am wondering if I should retake it again or just get my money back.

Anyways congratulations to you-you deserve it!

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