Does your school credit students for prework before lab/sim as lab/sim hours?


I have heard mixed things about this! If students are assigned a module prior to coming to lab/sim then do they get credit for completing the module? Say if they spent an hour prepping for lab and then 3 hours in lab do they get credit for 4 lab hours total?



Sim hours count double in our state . So 4 hours at sim.....counts as 8 hours.  So we don't give additional credit for prep time

Thank you! Do you mind asking which state you are in? Our BON doesn't give guidelines for this..


2 minutes ago, kfynn589 said:

Thank you! Do you mind asking which state you are in? Our BON doesn't give guidelines for this..


Wisconsin.  I have taught adjunct at a few schools and it has been this way at both .

The max most states I know of allow is 50/50 Sim vs Face to Face (F2F). This situation is ugly. In this case, students have to spend all 50 percent hours taking care of patients and get no credit for prep. If you give credit for home prep time, the students will end up short of 50 percent F2F time. 

This is not fair to the students, as they have already spent umpteen hours preparing for clinical. So the clinical ends up being, say, 12 plus 3 = 15 hours long.

It also does not leave any leeway for taking time off the floor to explain concepts or do care planning exercises or presentations.

This situation really gets complicated when a student gets ill (with COVID?) and needs time off but cannot make up lost time with desktop exercises.

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