Does your NCLEX expire?

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My friend told me that you have to practice in the United States within a year of writing the NCLEX exam or it will be considered void. Is this true?

I know the visascreen certificate expires in 5 years.


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

No it is not true otherwise all those waiting due to retrogression are in trouble :)

Just another rumour going round. You just need to keep your license current

i just got off the phone with a help desk secretary at CA BON. contrary to what i've read on the forums, she said that after 3 years if no SS number is provided, the application will be closed along with the nclex result. this means you have to retake the exam once you re-apply later on. of course, i asked her for a definitive rule in the nursing prac. act or a copy of a policy/memo/regulation, (which she doesn't have.)

having taken a look at the re-application form, it does seem that you will be required to re-register for another nclex-rn testing.

i'd like to be proven wrong, but i've not seen anything that will prove otherwise.:nurse::redbeathe

i just got off the phone with a help desk secretary at CA BON. contrary to what i've read on the forums, she said that after 3 years if no SS number is provided, the application will be closed along with the nclex result. this means you have to retake the exam once you re-apply later on. of course, i asked her for a definitive rule in the nursing prac. act or a copy of a policy/memo/regulation, (which she doesn't have.)

having taken a look at the re-application form, it does seem that you will be required to re-register for another nclex-rn testing.

i'd like to be proven wrong, but i've not seen anything that will prove otherwise.:nurse::redbeathe

There is much written in these forums on California. The moderators have advised people over and over not to get initial licensure in California for that reason. Do a search and you will be able to find the process on how to get licensure in another state to avoid this issue.

This is a quote from Suzanne from another similar question:

If you want a license from Ca, then you need to apply thru them. They do not use the CES, but do their own evaluation. But I would not recommend them for you as they will not issue a license, the letter of passing is only valid for three years, and the chances of getting the visa by then are slim at best right now. So you would have to apply to another state for licensure in order to be able to keep your NCLEX-RN results active.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
i just got off the phone with a help desk secretary at CA BON. contrary to what i've read on the forums, she said that after 3 years if no SS number is provided, the application will be closed along with the nclex result. this means you have to retake the exam once you re-apply later on. of course, i asked her for a definitive rule in the nursing prac. act or a copy of a policy/memo/regulation, (which she doesn't have.)

having taken a look at the re-application form, it does seem that you will be required to re-register for another nclex-rn testing.

i'd like to be proven wrong, but i've not seen anything that will prove otherwise.:nurse::redbeathe

We have never denied this, we have always recommended that you go to another state for this reason. We did have some members last year write to Ca and explain their situation with retrogression and their file was extended for a further 12 months. If you do use Ca for initial licensure then before your 3 years are up we recommend that you apply to another state and ask Ca to forward your NCLEX results therefore saving them and reducing the need to resit the exam.

We have never denied this, we have always recommended that you go to another state for this reason. We did have some members last year write to Ca and explain their situation with retrogression and their file was extended for a further 12 months. If you do use Ca for initial licensure then before your 3 years are up we recommend that you apply to another state and ask Ca to forward your NCLEX results therefore saving them and reducing the need to resit the exam.

i understood from the talk with CA BON that the NCLEX results do expire after three years, along with the application. you cannot use the previous NCLEX results for a re-application. but i read it differently from suzanne4:

your post:

"I don't think NCLEX expires "

thanks for the feedback.

will probably apply for licensure at az, nm, ny, vt, or tx. they don't require social security numbers for license issuance. this will save my nclex pass result and when priority date becomes current, will apply for licensure by endorsement in ca.

does it sound like a plan?:up:

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
i understood from the talk with CA BON that the NCLEX results do expire after three years, along with the application. you cannot use the previous NCLEX results for a re-application. but i read it differently from suzanne4:

your post:

"I don't think NCLEX expires "

thanks for the feedback.

will probably apply for licensure at az, nm, ny, vt, or tx. they don't require social security numbers for license issuance. this will save my nclex pass result and when priority date becomes current, will apply for licensure by endorsement in ca.

does it sound like a plan?:up:

Yes it does sound better than applying to BRN first. NCLEX doesn't expire but because Ca will destroy your file after 3 years that means your NCLEX results are also destroyed.

i understood from the talk with CA BON that the NCLEX results do expire after three years, along with the application. you cannot use the previous NCLEX results for a re-application. but i read it differently from suzanne4:

your post:

"I don't think NCLEX expires "

thanks for the feedback.

will probably apply for licensure at az, nm, ny, vt, or tx. they don't require social security numbers for license issuance. this will save my nclex pass result and when priority date becomes current, will apply for licensure by endorsement in ca.

does it sound like a plan?:up:

CA's letter expires in three years, if one does not apply thru another state for licensure, then the results are going to expire. But this is specific to CA only, as they destroy the file in three years. Other states do not.

And this is why over and over again, we keep telling people not to go thru CA for initial licensure. Even more important now with the retrogression in place. Chances of being in the US in three years and ready to work are quite slim to none for most. Results of the NCLEX exam are not kept anyplace else, but in the file of the state that one sat the exam for. If the file is gone, then so are the results. And one cannot reapply to CA if they have a current or active file on hand.

So you would have to apply thru another state and then have CA send the passing results on to them before the file is destroyed. And this means that the application would need to be resubmited in the future to CA for licensure when and if the time comes that one gets the visa to work here. So no sense in wasting that money in the first place with CA licensure, it is going to be thrown out.

Easier always just to endorse later on, if you get the visa. Nothing has changed, and this is what has always been posted here.

My friend told me that you have to practice in the United States within a year of writing the NCLEX exam or it will be considered void. Is this true?

I know the visascreen certificate expires in 5 years.


Hello, I want to clarify about the exam. It does expire in 8 years. With regards to the result, the BON will not destroy your result. i am already here in Ca and that was my problem when I arrived. They required me to do everything from the scratch and pay a fee for the exam and an explanation letter of my delayed processing. The licensing program will rebuild your documents before they will give you your license number. When I contacted them and told them that I passed my exam they checked their records.

*sigh* im having same problem, i passed nclex last may 24 2012 under nevada. i received a letter from them that within a year, since the start of my application to take the nlex, if i wasnt able to provide a ssn my result will expire and no license will b issued. im feeling so depressed and hopeless, even social security admin indicates on their reply to my email they don provide ssn for purpose of obtaining a license or such. i dont know what to do anymore, smetimes i feel like giving up on this

*sigh* im having same problem, i passed nclex last may 24 2012 under nevada. i received a letter from them that within a year, since the start of my application to take the nlex, if i wasnt able to provide a ssn my result will expire and no license will b issued. im feeling so depressed and hopeless, even social security admin indicates on their reply to my email they don provide ssn for purpose of obtaining a license or such. i dont know what to do anymore, smetimes i feel like giving up on this

Wait, so you're allowed to take and pass the exam, but until you provide the NV BON with a SSN, the license will not be issued? It seems like more states that don't require a SSN to initially apply and take the exam, one must still provide the SSN, I know NM is like that now.

I think this is rumor, but one friend who is trying in NY, says they may also require a SSN to obtain the license. This means you can still apply and pass NCLEX, but without a SSN to follow within a year or so, you'll not able to get the license, meaning no chance to work or look around.

Accdg to BRN in California...after the 3 years validity of the nclex letter of passing...your file will be abandoned and destryed...but nevertheless, your nclex-rn test result is still valid and you only have to re-apply to BRN-Ca once you get your SSN. i dont know with NEVADA.

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