Published Mar 8, 2009
BittyBabyGrower, MSN, RN
1,823 Posts
I know there is a age limit on biodiscs, but our ID team is talking about using them on piccs and umbilical lines. Just wondering if anyone has started this yet? We use the biodiscs on our older chronic kids with CVL's. We haven't had an umbilical line sepsis in one year :) We were doing good with central lines , got one infected in the past 7 months, but it is a gut kid that lots of radiographic studies and ID thinks that it may have pushed bacteria out of the gut wall and caused the sepsis since it was ecoli.
1 Article; 2,512 Posts
Nope. We are always told they are not designed to be used on neonates.
202 Posts
No, we only use them on our CVLs (Broviac catheters).
49 Posts
what is a biodisc?
Imafloat, BSN, RN
1 Article; 1,289 Posts
We use them on broviacs and picc lines.
a biodisc is a small round foam disc that is impregnated with chlorhexidine on one side. you place the chorhexidine site directly over the catheter insertion site when you are doing dressing changes. it diminishes the incidence of bloodstream infections caused by long-term catheter placement.
here is a link to the johnson & johnson site that describes the disc:
babyNP., APRN
1,923 Posts
Yup, use them on neonates >32 weeks gestation with PICC lines, but not UVCs
texas2007, BSN, RN
281 Posts
we don't use them. how do you visualize the insertion site with these?
That's more relevant to Piv's, isn't it? The catheter in the PICC goes all the way to the heart.
67 Posts
Do PIVs infiltrate at the insertion site?
texas2007, it's nearly impossible until you do a dressing change. I guess since the biodisc is there to prevent infection at the insertion site, you trade that benefit for the ability to asses...?
We only use biodiscs on nephrostomy tubes.
None of my kids, but my neighbor's kid did last week.
27 Posts
I'm pretty sure she means visualize the insertion site for infection purposes....reddness, oozing...etc....