Does anyone know where a new grad can find work ?

Nurses New Nurse


I currently live in Louisiana and after months of applying it looks like my best bet is to move away to another state. The problem is I don't know of any states or cities where it is easier to find work. I read posts about North Dakota and some cities in Georgia but after visiting the hospital websites I'm not seeing alot of job openings. Does anyone have any info that could help ? I'm seriously thinking about giving up if I can't find something soon.

Specializes in Emergency Dept.

The University of Kentucky had several positions posted a few weeks ago that new grads qualify for. I've also heard that Tennessee really likes new grads as well. I'd say your best bet is to look in the midwest states. Stay away from the coasts - they're tough right now. Good luck :)

there is a new graduate program in ga at piedmont hospital I think they just opened up.. Try there but hurry.. They close quick! Hopenthat helps

I looked into that but I was wondering how competitive it is to get in there.

couldnt tell you.. doesnt hurt to try!

Cabrini Hospital in Alexandria, Louisiana needs RN. Good luck

Feeling you pain here in Texas

Specializes in Pediatric Hem/Onc.

It's a numbers game. Apply to everything you think you can stomach. I only looked in my area but didn't find a single HR department that said "yes, we cater to new grads so please apply!" Look at the state forums - every single one has the "I can't find a job here" posts. Well okay, maybe not North Dakota since that seems to be the promised land for new grads lol

Apply to any and all new grad programs as soon as they're posted. Of course it's competitive to get a spot. It's competitive to get into any hospital worth its salt. If you breeze into a place and they're begging you to come worried. In fact, just run away.

Good luck in your search! It's frustrating, I know. For all my planning and determination....a random encounter with a clinical director at 4am is what got me my position. I'm convinced it's not necessarily the strength of your resume, college credentials, and all that fun stuff - it's being in the right place at the right time.

Specializes in burn ICU, SICU, ER, Trauma Rapid Response.

Here is a list of all the hospital websites in N Dakota. If you scroll to the bottom you can find all hospital web sites by state.

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

From what I can tell there are few (no) places that are desperate for new grads. Apply all over the place, be prepared to travel on your own dollar to interview and don't make plans to move until you have a firm job offer and have accepted it with a start date.

I believe border towns in Texas are still quite new grad friendly and some more rural areas. Major cities though are completely over-saturated.

If I do happen to find something in another state is it best to wait till I have a job offer before I try to get a license in that state ? Louisiana is not a compact state so I'm guessing in most states it will take about a month to get a license there.

Illinois is looking absolutely dismal. :crying2: The local hospitals here used to have PAGES of RN positions that needed to be filled.

Now, they only have 3 listed. And all three require 3-5 years experience. :crying2:

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