Published Aug 11, 2005
6 Posts
I have been reading several posts regarding A&P. Everything I have seen refers to A&P I or A&P II. The CC I am attending offers the class as one semester for the whole course (5 credits) or I and II (8 credits). I am registered for the one semester course and was wondering if any other people have taken A&P this way. Thanks for all replys.
817 Posts
I would double check with you school. Usually the A&P class is for medical asst, nuc med, lpns, massage therapy etc.
A&P I with lab and A&P II with lab is probably required at your school if you are in a ADN program. I would hate to see you waste your time and take the wrong class. Please check into it ASAP.
483 Posts
LOL don't worry! My A&P was one was the only A&P course offered at my school. There are a few other schools near me that only offer it in one semester. In my area, the nursing programs that have only one semester of A&P have to take BIO 101 as a pre-req (one is a BSN and one is an ASN). At the schools (again, this is in my area) with A&PI and A&PII DON'T take BIO 101.
120 Posts
My school offered both options. Either you can take A&P I (4 credits)throughout an entire semester, or you could take both in one semester (8 credits) the semester is actually devided into two parts like 2 mini mesters. Thats what I did. It was intense, but still got out an A from both.
Thanks for your reply. I will call the school today but I am pretty sure they will accept either option for their Associate program. Yes General Biology is a pre-reg. for this class. I have already taken Bio 110 (our cc's # for 101) and Bio 120 (microbiology). I passed both with an A. I know that many other schools will not transfer the A&P one semester class. They require I & II. The course at my school is 5 credits for one semester. I had not seen any posts that didn't refer to A&P I or A&P II and I was worried that maybe it's too difficult to do this well in one semester. I want to keep my high GPA because the program is competitive. I am not taking any other courses with the A&P this semester.
151 Posts
I just finished a 5 credit A&P course. Here is what we were told the first day of class.
Our ADN program accepts 5 credits... for now... but it will be going to 8 A&P credits soon. Those that have taken the 5 credit course will be grandfathered in. The reason that they have changed is that there are several BSN programs that are requiring the 8 credits of A&P and the "proposed trend" will be for all the BSN programs to go to 8 credits of A&P.
It is something that you need to check out with each school and with your plans. I know that the BSN programs that I have looked into and would like to perhaps attend still accept 5 credits. The one program that I really like does not even specify much for the classes you have to take but rather says so many credits of lab science, so many of this, etc, etc, etc... Just make sure you do your research and hopefully everything will work out.
I can only hope that you have much fun in your class as I did in mine. I absolutely loved my A&P group and we have become wonderful friends... in fact we all got together last night to enjoy a night out before Micro starts this fall.
Good luck!
Alnee in VA
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
I've read about that too, but make sure you have a lab for each that goes along with the lectures. At my school, they have it combined for Medical assisting and respiratory therapy program but the ADN sciences must be taken alone )lecture and lab) in separate semesters. It makes sense because you need a strong foundation in those courses and we do the first part in 16 weeks, and part 2 in another 16 weeks and still feel as if we rushed through the book. There is so much information to cover and I don't understand how you can get all that in your head in one semester. Good luck to you.
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
I didn't take A&P 1 in a rushed situation, by my A&P 2 was only 5 weeks. So, it's possible to do well in crunched A&P classes!
My school offers a fast-track A&P1/2 that is during a full semester. In the Spring semester, January to spring break is A&P1, and spring break to the end of the semester is A&P 2. However it is a total of 8 credits for the class, giving you 4 for A&P 1 and 4 for A&P 2.
A friend of mine did it this way. She made a B in A&P 1 and an A in A&P 2. I'm not sure how much time she spent studying, etc. I know she has a little boy, and also coaches a girls softball little league team...not sure what else.
So, it's do able. You just have to be ready to give the time needed to study for it to make the grades you want.
Good luck! :)
2,450 Posts
I took A&P I and II over a full 9 1\2-week summer session. I had an excellent teacher so I learned a great deal. I think the fact that the instructor was so good and clearly outlined what we would be doing made it possible. I got A's in both sections.
I studied a lot, but owe a great deal to a fantastic instructor.