doctor with unprofessional personal life


a doctor whom i work with is a female and she is really nice, but i know for a fact that her husband is a major alcoholic (literally drinks every waking minute) and he also smokes weed. she smokes a few cigarettes a day, but as far as i knwo she doesn't do alcohol or drugs like her husband.....should i do/say something. i don't really feel like i want to hurt her but it really bothers me that she lives like that and comes t work every day preaching about good health and care for your body... i am so torn. any comments? :uhoh3:

Specializes in Telemetry, ICU, Resource Pool, Dialysis.

Heart2Nurse - That does change things a little. I think it just sort of sounded like you felt she shouldn't be "preaching" to her patients given her own personal situation. If she's a friend, and you're concerned about her welfare or emotional well-being, that's different than just a working relationship.

My advice would be to be available for her to talk to (which it sounds like you are) and let her know you support her. That's all we can do as friends. We can't say magic words that make them realize they don't need to live that way. IT's hard to watch someone have to go through things like this. Good luck to you, and her. She's lucky to have someone like you who is concerned and willing to listen.:)

Specializes in cardiac/critical care/ informatics.
a doctor whom i work with is a female and she is really nice, but i know for a fact that her husband is a major alcoholic (literally drinks every waking minute) and he also smokes weed. she smokes a few cigarettes a day, but as far as i knwo she doesn't do alcohol or drugs like her husband.....should i do/say something. i don't really feel like i want to hurt her but it really bothers me that she lives like that and comes t work every day preaching about good health and care for your body... i am so torn. any comments? :uhoh3:

Sorry if you get offended by what I am about to say, but it isn't any of your business how she lives when not at work.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Closing the thread.

Sounds like you are intereacting with this person on two different levels.

a. Professional

b. Friendship which grew out of professional role.

As long as her professional role is not being compromised, what goes on at home is of no consequence--- 100% agreement here with bb members.

Just because she has bent your ear with personal details does not make for true friendship unless you are socializing together after work hours.

Let her vent if you desire but just remember you may still have to work with her in a prefessional relationship after the "friendship" is over.

VERY hard to keep your boundaries here. Many nurses have been burned when they try do be both.

Best advice. Do Nothing unless directly asked to comment.

Might be wiser to cool relationship totally.

Closing thread now.

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