Do most LTC facilities fire for mistake on orientation?

Nurses General Nursing


I started orienting in LTC facility. But I made a mistake of starting wrong G tube bottle on a patient. He was not hurt at all.

In my whole nursing carrier, I never made such a mistake. I do not know how I did it. I told management about it.

However, they fired me for that.

I hope I never make such a mistake again.

However, do most LTC facilities fire for this mistake?

Specializes in LTC.

Thats retarded to be fired for something like that. On or off orientation. Yes its still a mistake but.. I don't even think that would be written up as a med error in my facility.

When I come on to a shift after a feeding has been hung I check to make sure that the correct formula is up. So if the wrong one was hung I can quick switch it and move on with the night.

Yes, I was fired at the end of my 3 month probation period for documentation omissions- the documentation was just putting your initals on a MARS and TARS. It was Thanksgiving 2009 and it was my day off. I did not document because I was not scheduled to work. So, I was home cooking on my day off! I was not in the building. I wasn't scheduled to be in the building! I was part time (24 hrs/week)> Did I fight it- NO! who wants to work in a place that would do something like that. I had other temp, per diem/agency positions. Which is what I think their real problem was- I coordinated my schedules to accomodate this place since it was the steady position. This LTC facility knew I had other positions and exacly what they were and when they were. These other small positions did not interfer with my LTC schedule in the least. Another trick this LTC pulled was they switched my schedule one day, unannounced that October. I had signed up to do and was doing flu shot clinics which was is a seasonal no cancel position. The job market in my area for older experienced RN's was "0". I was trying to make a full time work week with small temp and perdeim and part time positions. The LTC facility that did this was a county LTC facility. (It was a county government run LTC facility). The RN that runs this LTC facility has been there for years. She apparently wanted to be an acute care hospital nurse years ago and couldn't cut it. I was a bedside hospital nurse for 30 years. That too was constantly rubbed into my face at every opportunity, with snide remarks. It makes no sense to me for one speciality of nursing to harass and abuse someone from another speciality. If that some one from another speciality wants to be there, then let them be there and promote a POSITVE Enviornment where the nurse that wants tochange specialities can leanrn all they can to make that happen. Needless to say, I am very leerly to apply to any LTC facility again- they are not trust worthy employment. They seem to have a revolving door. Also working at this facility was an ED nurse. she had less hours than I did. She obtained a full time ED position(3 12 hr shifts, very doable with having towork the LTC facility one weekend / month) They fired her too. Pulled the schedule switch on her- to mess with her full time job. A new grad/BSN had a part time job @ the LTC. Finally got a full time OR position. Instead of being happy for her, they pulled the schedule switch on her to mess with her OR orientation. She too was fired from the LTC. This doen't speak well for LTC Nursing.

May be LTC should advertise-"Want to experience termination, come work with us in LTC. An experience like no other"

This is the crap that gives Nursing a bad name. And why nursing is not taken seriously.

Specializes in LTC.

Most places wouldn't fire for that. Something sounds off about that place. Where I work the uppers don't care about mistakes and sure don't Want to hear about them. I got in trouble for reporting a med error on a medication that cost over a grand to even get...I think they just pick and choose when and who to discipline

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