Published Nov 23, 2009
24 Posts
i am prenursing right now in my first year of college.i live in jacksonville florida and am going to fscj.i am planning to transfer to fsu or uf in 2 i need to the nat or nclex prior to applying?also,exactly how hard is A&P 1??Thanks!!!!!
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
NCLEX is required after your training and is the last thing before you can call yourself a nurse in the US.
2,188 Posts
also,exactly how hard is A&P 1??Thanks!!!!!
A&P classes require a lot of studying to get an A, that means at least 20 hours a week of solid study time. Nursing schools are competitive, meaning you need a high GPA to get accepted. Some schools have a waiting list and some go by GPA and number of pre-reqs completed. If you haven't taken biology you may need to take a biology class before A&P. Check with your academic adviser.
K nurse-one-day
693 Posts
I'm also a pre nursing student in Jacksonville. I'm finishing up A&PI right now at sjrcc, but I'm transferring to FSCJ next semester for the remainder of my classes. (they have a greater variety of classes and times that are more convenient for me as a mom, and you have to be a student to apply to their RN program so I figured I may as well go ahead and transfer) The NAT is required to apply for the RN program so you have to take that sometime before you apply. The NCLEX is what you take after nursing school, so you don't have to worry about that until you graduate. A&P was difficult but doable. You have to study a lot, but if you study and keep up, you can do it. What do you have left before you can apply? I'm taking A&P2 and intermediate algebra in spring, then college algebra, Chemistry and Micro in the summer. If all goes well, I will be applying in august and start in January!:) Maybe I'll see you there!. Good luck!
1,530 Posts
You need to be a resident of Duval or Nassau county. It doesn't matter if you went to FSCJ for your pre-reqs.
I suggest taking the NAT early enough that you can retake it before you apply (if necessary). The point cut off has been steadily climbing each term. The class that starts this spring had an initial cutoff of 193.52!
To the OP,
Call the nursing office and schedule yourself for an orientation session. They will give you all the information you need and the method used to calculate your points!
Good luck to you both!
im only in my first semester right now.but nxt term im taking speech,anatomy +lab,lit2000,and world religions which i think counts for humanities.but im going to finish up all pre-reqs before i apply to any nursing hoping to transfer to fsu and if not there then uf.either way i need to get out of jacksonville before i go crazy.but anyways, the NAT is the one i need to take before applying to nursing school right???
I know that....I DO live in Duval county. Just because I go to sjrcc doesnt mean I live in Clay
Just checkin'
Is the cutoff really climbing every semester? I'm applying in Aug. and if I get accepted, starting in January. I wonder what the cutoff will be by then. Jeez Im scared now. I use to think that as long as I got in the 195ish range and above, I would be okay, but now it looks like I will have to push for at least 200. UGH. The lady I spoke to when I transfered a few weeks ago said the cutoff was 180, but I guess she was wrong
If you look at the FCCJ Spring 2010 thread in Pre-Nursing, you can find the post that said the denial letters cited 193.52 as the cut off. There were some on the thread who were just shy of that and did not get accepted.
Yes, the points go up with each semester. The semester I was accepted was initially at 190.xx but with some folks declining their seat, I think it dropped to 188, but I am not positive.
When the economy tanked and folks got laid off, nursing became a very attractive next career. (1) It would take only 2 yrs (approximately) to 'retrain'. (2) At a community college, it wouldn't be an expensive endeavor. (3) It would replace the bulk of the lost income. (nursing will actually be about a $30K pay cut for me, but while my husband is in Afganistan for the next year, we will be paying off all credit debt that we can...and I am down to just 1 child who is in her junior year.) Also, worksource will pay for the schooling so you have a much larger group to compete with.
Yikes Im nervous now. My goal then is to get 200pts. Figures, when I decide to be a nurse, everyone else wants to do it:) Thanks for the info, and good luck to your hubby in Afghanistan! Ive been there, mine was in Iraq:(