Do I automatically get a CNA after first year in nursing school?

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I took a lot of college courses but was never able to graduate due to some health reasons. Now, I am trying to get my life back together, starting over again. I'm planning to apply for the SPRING 2011 RN program at a community college. I wanted to build my resume. I don't have any job experience in the health field. I was wondering what are some good jobs I can earn experience and can help towards my nursing career.

also i was thinking of getting CNA, do I automatically become a CNA after first year of nursing school (associates degree) or do i have to take extra classes to become a CNA?

can i become CNA for free anywhere in northern jersey area? thank you


I just recently finished my first semester in my nursing program in california and I am kind of confused on the application process in challenging the CNA exam. I do not even know where to start (if I can find the application online or do I have to go to my school and apply?). I am wondering if I can have some guidance on this process. Thank you.

Specializes in Case Manager.
One wonders why google is not used more often. You are in NJ right? Click on this link (found with Google) and scroll down towards the end for the alternative routes to becoming a CNA in your state. I won't spoil the surprise by telling you what it says.

Certification of Nurse Aides in Long-term Care Facilities, Long-Term Care, NJDHSS

It is amazing what I can do 1000 miles away.

THANK YOU! I was looking for this for ages! And yes, I did google.

At my school, you can become a CNA I after the first semester and a CNA II after the second semester.

Hey, I have a related question -- I've heard in some places you can take the LPN version of the NCLEX after the first year of nursing school is finished. Is this true? And what states allow this?

Hey, I have a related question -- I've heard in some places you can take the LPN version of the NCLEX after the first year of nursing school is finished. Is this true? And what states allow this?

My school used to have that option but they stopped doing it.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.
IMHO, A CNA program is a completely different scope of practice. While RNs do direct CNAs, partially completing an RN program of study does not qualify one to be a CNA.

It does where I live. After our first semester of Nursing School we can take the CNA exam, or Hospitals around here will considered it equivalent experience when applying for a CNA job if you have finished your first semester. Our first semester (actually first 6 weeks)we are pretty much learning all CNA skills and we did our clinicals in a nursing home where we pretty much acted as CNA's outside of learning assessments and med pass towards the end of our semester.

Obviously this all varies place to place.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.
Hey, I have a related question -- I've heard in some places you can take the LPN version of the NCLEX after the first year of nursing school is finished. Is this true? And what states allow this?

In CO or at least at my school, after your first year you can take the NCLEX-PN, first though you have to do a "transition" class. which is only a few days and than like 90 hrs of clinicals. It took like 4 weeks for our students, after they completed that they were able to take boards. We had 6 students get there LPN after first year.

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