Do/did your children suffer.....

Nurses Humor


Do/did your children "suffer" from you being in the medical profession???

I met Hubby in Paramedic school and I then went to nursing school... so we both have solid backgrounds in medicine. Our 3 sons could get away with nothing!!

Our mantra was.... Unless you have bones at funny angles or missing a part, I can fry an egg on your forehead, you are puking or pooping your guts out or blood is shooting across the room (not oozing) then get dressed and go to school!!!

My 3rd son had it the "hardest" because his older brothers had tried just about everything in the book so we were prepared. One morning he gets up for preschool, comes down stairs and he is holding his left side, moaning and looking soooo pitiful. I asked sympathetically (but very skeptically) what's wrong Honey... with an "I'm dying" voice he states.... OH the pain, I can't take gallbladder is killing me!!! (now where did that come from!!) I told him, Well Son--you have 3 problems... #1--5 years old is too young to have gallbladder problems, 2--the gallbladder is on the RIGHT side and #3... get dressed, you're still going to school!! He suddenly was cured, stomped his foot and said "Damn, it sucks then you have medical parents!!!!"

#3 again... he was out playing and did a full body "splat" on the sidewalk...scuffed nose, chin, both elbows and both knees!!! He comes into the house half crying and I (really concerned this time) asked Honey what happened??? He sniffed... Why do you ask...I don't have bones at funny angles and I'm not squirting blood... you won't care!!!" I immediately picked him up, sat him on the counter and gave him a big hug and a Mommy kiss and patched up all his scuffs. When I was done, he hugged me and said..."You really do care!!!!" Poor kid!!!

How has your children "suffered" from your medical background???

My wife and I are lifelong nurses. Our children rarely get a bandaid, OTA is best! Both knew reproduction from preschool days. My son told his friend 3 years his senior she had a lady parts, she didn't know. Her mom was not pleased (she was 9). They are told to keep their mouths quiet when we go to a hospital or urgent care, we don't reveal we are nurses until the very end, you learn so much more that way. One day they were at a friend's house where the friend had a pretty good injury and all his mom could do was hug him before treating anything. My son lamented that we are too clinical when he gets hurt, not loving. Suck it up, buttercup.

^This! My son told the doctor at his 2 year exam "member and testicles, not pee-pee" and my daughter has had a "We don't talk about the tooth fairy, the Easter bunny, or where babies come from" rule since kindergarten.

My oldest found out real quick that if he's not running a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or bleeding then he's going to school. He also knows that if his "tummy hurts" then I'm going to tell him to go poop. He fell at school and landed on his knee, so he went straight to the nurse's office and asked for an ice pack and told her that there was no swelling and no bruising so he was fine. My youngest (kindergarten) goes straight to the freezer and gets an ice pack and a dish towel if he has any sort of "boo-boo". If he's "hurt" too badly to get his own, he'll lay on the couch, pitifully, and ask for an ice pack no matter what is wrong with him. LOL.

Specializes in ICU/community health/school nursing.
His teacher told my husband "With all due respect I could drop your son off in the middle of the wilderness with nothing but a pocket knife and a book of matches and he would find his way home just fine."


Parenting for the win!

Sadly I am the only nursing, medical knowledge, person in a house with hubby, adult daughter, and grandson. No one listens to my advice!

Oh, but a friend or neighbor tells them something I have told them many times over, suddenly it is good advice! Grinding of teeth!

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