Disturbance During Lunch/Break

Nurses General Nursing


When I take a break or lunch, sometimes, I go to one of the stores across the street, sit on the benches outside or the steps. I may have a book, listening to my MP3 or speaking on my cell phone. NUMEROUS times, patients will come to me with non-emergent situations and demand my attention (this happens to MANY nurses as well in my hospital). I have been told "I'll wait until you finish your conversation" and I will say that I am on break and will not be off for awhile, but will ask what and it can lead to a loooong....looong story on something silly like venting about a doctor, asking about prescriptions, can I take their pressure, make an appointment (when I say no, then it is "Why?"). Once, I was so engrossed in my conversation that I didn't realize that someone was staring at me, I turn around, and the person says "You didn't see me standing here? Is this how you treat your patients?" all OUTSIDE the building-many times across the street from the building. Some have asked me for money (out of my own pocket) for medications, ask about their bunions, etc...My answer would always be that since I do not have a chart before me, it is really inappropriate to comment on your care without documented facts, labs, and the provider available to give correct information.

I have had to get to the point where I have stated in a kind way "I am on lunch, on break, and unless it is an emergency, I am entitled to it the same as you would be if I came to your job. Please respect this". This does take time away from my own time of peace and quiet to get my mind together to get back to the clinic and deal with people effectively. Does this happen to any of you, and if so, how do you handle it?:banghead:

Amen to all! Patients seem to think that since we're nurses, we "owe" them something. Not sure why, but that's really how I perceive it. We've actually had patients break into a code and state "I've been waiting 2 hours, when are you going to see me?" This for complaint of cough/cold and other non-emergent complaints. Can they not see us doing chest compressions? HELLO...?!

I think what I would say to this selfish clueless person would be unpostable here (due to language), except for a sharp "HELLO, after we save this persons life!!"

"I'm sorry I do not see patients out side the clinic." If they persist you may need to add, "Nor do I make appointments for them when I am outside the clinic"

Accidently walking in is one thing. If they came in to ask for petty stuff-----well, the words I would use would not be very nice. And I dare them to complain, or a boss to say anything!!

A sign "staff only" could fix this. If people are invading your space in this manor it is because no boundaries have been pointed out to them.

Yea sadly some people do not have a clue.

I'm just curious where you work pagandeva?

Because if I went across the street to sit in the sun I'd be mighty concerned that patients got out of the hospital and walked across the street to find me. :confused::D

Patients don't come into the break room but we are interrupted by staff coming in to tell us a patient needs something.


I've never heard this. I'd remember it if I did, because it would make me laugh out loud, then share with all my nurse & MD buddies.

If it is so important then people should be willing to pay well for it. If it is important to you that your child attend a particular school you pay for it. If it is important to you that you wear certain clothes then you pay for them. If it is important to you that certain people lead the country then you pay them. If it is important to you that your newspaper go to bed (press)every day then you pay for it.

The more important it is to you the more you pay for it.

Yet the work we do is so important that it should be free!?

If it is so important then people should be willing to pay well for it. If it is important to you that your child attend a particular school you pay for it. If it is important to you that you wear certain clothes then you pay for them. If it is important to you that certain people lead the country then you pay them. If it is important to you that your newspaper go to bed (press)every day then you pay for it.

The more important it is to you the more you pay for it.

Yet the work we do is so important that it should be free!?

ITA :clphnds:

About the working for free...I've heard people say this. Not while at work, but in places where people don't know I'm a nurse. (In line at the grocery store, at restuarants and so forth) While I was pregnant, I used to go on the site whattoexpect, and I stopped shortly there after. There were so many threads bashing the nurses and doctors these women were dealing with while pregnant, it became annoying. There was one tread that suggested we should all work for free. Some of the posters said we should get paid (how generous) but should be required to volunteer like 1 shift a week. Of course I posted that I was a nurse and deserve a pay check just as much as anyone else, but the general conclusion of the thread was medical workers somehow owe the world something. (Funny how we have to personally foot the bill for school) I don't know where this attitude comes from, but its very common. What's wrong with people?

A sign "staff only" could fix this. If people are invading your space in this manor it is because no boundaries have been pointed out to them.

Yea sadly some people do not have a clue.

They would just walk past the sign. They think the sign is just something to read while they walk past, and it doesn't apply to them.

They would just walk past the sign. They think the sign is just something to read while they walk past, and it doesn't apply to them.

100% right.

Like the isolation signs "STOP and report to nurse before entering". They think it only applies to staff.

Or the visiting hours. They think only applies to other visitors.

Or no smoking signs...that's for staff only too.

Ooh, I love this one...the hospital I used to work at had TRANSPORT/Pt ONLY elevators. They were clearly marked and said "for pts only, visitors please use other elevator (which was right next to the pt elevator.) Only most visitors used the pt elevator because the wait was shorter.

Also the inside of the elevators had signs saying for pt privacy/courtesy, if a pt (say on bed/stretcher going for a test) is wheeled on the the elevator OR needs to get on (since the pt elevator is being used by visitors) please GET OFF and allow the pt to go where he/she needs to in the hospital. Visitor never stepped off for pts. One time taking pt to unit after tubing ect... the doors open and we have several staff members (pt being bagged, monitors ect) and the visitors looked at us like "take the next one" and after telling them to get out, they got annoyed!!!! Apparently, that sign doesn't apply to them either.

If I think of more, I'll post them. But here's the low down as I see it. When a "loved one" is in the hospital, people feel the "stress" (even if grandma's only in same day for a hemmorhoid removal) gives them a free ticket to act irrational, outside of character or rude. Kind of like if you have a really bad day you rationalize that you "deserve" that piece of cake/glass of wine or whatever. Yelling at nurses, ignoring signs, having an entitlement attitude and all the behaviors that pt/visitors exibit that makes us want to jump out a window, have become exceptable and people feel they "deserve" to behave that way.

Only thing is they going to drive us batty in the process!!:bugeyes::bugeyes:

100% right.

Like the isolation signs "STOP and report to nurse before entering". They think it only applies to staff.

Or the visiting hours. They think only applies to other visitors.

Or no smoking signs...that's for staff only too.

Ooh, I love this one...the hospital I used to work at had TRANSPORT/Pt ONLY elevators. They were clearly marked and said "for pts only, visitors please use other elevator (which was right next to the pt elevator.) Only most visitors used the pt elevator because the wait was shorter.

Also the inside of the elevators had signs saying for pt privacy/courtesy, if a pt (say on bed/stretcher going for a test) is wheeled on the the elevator OR needs to get on (since the pt elevator is being used by visitors) please GET OFF and allow the pt to go where he/she needs to in the hospital. Visitor never stepped off for pts. One time taking pt to unit after tubing ect... the doors open and we have several staff members (pt being bagged, monitors ect) and the visitors looked at us like "take the next one" and after telling them to get out, they got annoyed!!!! Apparently, that sign doesn't apply to them either.

If I think of more, I'll post them. But here's the low down as I see it. When a "loved one" is in the hospital, people feel the "stress" (even if grandma's only in same day for a hemmorhoid removal) gives them a free ticket to act irrational, outside of character or rude. Kind of like if you have a really bad day you rationalize that you "deserve" that piece of cake/glass of wine or whatever. Yelling at nurses, ignoring signs, having an entitlement attitude and all the behaviors that pt/visitors exibit that makes us want to jump out a window, have become exceptable and people feel they "deserve" to behave that way.

Only thing is they going to drive us batty in the process!!:bugeyes::bugeyes:

And they think that no one should tell them to obey the signs. I have said before that if I ever went to the hospital, and had "entitled" people as either a roomate or roomates family members, I would be their troll of a roomate from the lower infernal regions. After all, what can they do?

if I ever went to the hospital, and had "entitled" people as either a roomate or roomates family members, I would be their troll of a roomate from the lower infernal regions. After all, what can they do?

:lol2:amaybe the next time I am a pt. I'll ask for an entitled room mate. You inspire me.

About the working for free...I've heard people say this. one tread that suggested we should all work for free. Some of the posters said we should get paid (how generous) but should be required to volunteer like 1 shift a week. this attitude comes from, but its very common. What's wrong with people?


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