Distance or flexibility - which would you choose?


Two job offers:

First one is about an hour drive one way, give or take a few minutes, but allows for flexibility in schedule (meaning I can choose the 2-3 days/week I want to work and the 12 hr shift(day/nights or combination)). This is an ER position.

Second offer: is much closer (about 25 min) but is every weekend (also 12 hr shifts), & there is one day of call per month for a during the week shift to cover if someone calls out, high census so there is a possibility in addition to the every weekend I would work another day or two a month during the week (no extra money, just regular rate if called in & there is no on call pay for being on call). This is a step down unit.

The 2nd job offers benefits & pays a little more. The first job, because of the flexibility, doesn't offer benefits but can be rolled into a position that does if I would ever want it but I would lose the ability to choose my own days to work.

I feel fortunate to have both of these opportunities to choose from but am truly torn between the 2..if it weren't for the distance I would definitely take the one that is more flexibility but I am concerned about the drive time of an hour to a little over an hour each way.......

Thank you for responding.

What condition is your car in? At some point in time (if you are not the kind who trades in their car every two years, but keeps it) your car will show the wear for driving twice the distance to work. Would make a good algebra word problem, complete with graph.

Personally, I would take the first job. The flexibility really calls to me. What if you want to undertake an activity such as a college class or a hobby with meetings, and want certain days off each week? You could do your own scheduling around your job and would not have to rely upon the good nature of the person fixing the schedules. Just seems like an all around benefit to me.

Specializes in retired LTC.

I read a survey some time ago. It commented that most people are willing to commute up to one hour (each way) without too much problem. Unless you're living in a region that gets really hit hard by bad weather or your car has seen its better days ...

Personally, I liked the one hour drive on the way home. Gave me time to decompress.

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.

I'd drive up to an hour to work; more than than I'd be looking for a position closer to home. What does your gut tell you?

Just the idea of the flexibility gives one a psychological advantage.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
Just the idea of the flexibility gives one a psychological advantage.
I agree. The psychological advantage revolves around the fact that people feel less trapped or constrained when flexibility enters the picture.
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