Discussing Grades with Other Students

Nursing Students General Students


Hello everyone. I am in my first semester. How do you guys feel about sharing your grades with other students? In my class it seems like eveyones grades are open for sharing/discussions. Some students are so nosy. They have no issues with asking you specifically what you got. I am soo annoyed with this I am a private person. And quite frankly I don't think it's anyones business. Why is saying that " I passed, or did ok" not good enough. :confused: I think grades should be a private matter between the individual student and the instructor. I already hear others backbiting others from who is lying about their grades, to who has no kids or job so they can study all day and make good grades...ugggg I am so annoyed. I think folks need to focus on them and what they need to do to get through instead of worrying about what everyone else is doing.

Specializes in Psychiatry.
Also, letting everyone know how I did helps to avoid the speculation that goes on about those who are secretive about it; rumors that you are failing, or got 100, etc...

Just curious, why would you even put your valuable time and energy into worrying about "rumors" concerning your grades?

I give no one anything to talk about. I prefer it that way. If "they" think I'm a snob, so be it, I could give a rat's a**. I'm there to learn and be the best nurse I can possibly be, not worry about what others think.


Diane :nurse:

Specializes in SNF/Acute.

the last teacher i had would tell us the top 3 students and their grades, while it was nice to be praised by him, i honestly would have liked to keep it more private. when people ask me how i did, i just smile and always said i did okay (making sure not to sound like i'm bragging, or putting them down).

we will have enough stress during the program, why bother with adding this into the mix, just my 2 cents.

Specializes in Studying.

My classmates really annoy me with this too... I personally do not mind telling them what I have. But I do NOT ask any of them, just my one ride-or-die in the class but we're usually on the same boat anyways, I feel if they want to share they will. But what gets to me the MOST... is after every test everyone gets together and looks it up in the books, asks each other what they got on whatever questions. As if it matters, we'll found out in a second how we did... Oy vey!!!

Specializes in Med surg.

Hi all,

Share your grades with only those you trust. I have come across so many people I thought were friends but learned as the semesters went by that they were not. I learned this by their sarcastic remarks about being a "know it all" when im FAR from that.

These same people would all of a sudden sit next to me during test time. I would only ask those I considered friends and then review on what I didnt know. Becareful what you say, I cant begin to tell you how many times people would confront the professor about other student grades. Some prof. ask we not discuss it at all.

The professor would always announce the class average which had to be a 77 or higher. Goodluck to all.

DON'T DO IT especially if you are doing well. Most students in my program earn C's. Thus far, I've earned only A's and B's. Some students have clung to me and want me to tutor them. Some whispered that anyone who could get an A must be cheating. And some students feel horrible about themselves when they are doing their best and barely passing. So now I just say, "I'm pleased" when asked about my test or class grades.

Specializes in Taking one day at a time....

I couldnt agree more!

On our first fundamentals exam, everyone shared grades with everyone else...And I was hesitant to tell people, but I said EH I'm happy with what I got so oh well. (It was in the 80's...)

I am of the students who only works a few hours a week, im young, unmarried & without kids. When asked, I told another student (A married mom...) my grade who happened to get the same grade as me-- Then she responded with "But dont you hardly work?"... In other words: Shouldnt you have done better than me? ... :imbar I felt kinda stupid afterwards, and after that day, I will not tell anyone my grade ever again. I'll say "I did good/fine.." but thats all.

Just because Im not married with kids doesnt mean I dont have other crap going on in my life, it doesnt mean Im going to get 100's on every test!...

Specializes in Taking one day at a time....
Just curious, why would you even put your valuable time and energy into worrying about "rumors" concerning your grades?

I give no one anything to talk about. I prefer it that way. If "they" think I'm a snob, so be it, I could give a rat's a**. I'm there to learn and be the best nurse I can possibly be, not worry about what others think.


Diane :nurse:

Its so very true. Ive seen how backstabbing other nursing students can be, I stay far away from that.. And one day, nursing school will be nothing but phase in my life.:up:

I hear ya

I stopped killing myself and stressing over getting the perfect score. It was necessary to get INTO the program, but to keep my sanity and enjoy school I have to balance it with other things..like life yanno.

With that new mind frame I took a lot of pressure off of myself, and Im doing well (knock on wood)

One of the responses I got from this board, and I intend on using it when the time comes is "the grade i wanted"

Personally I have no problem sharing my grades. However, if I ask how someone did and they say ok or good that is fine by me and I would not push. In my class grades are a common topic and a way that we all bond I guess. We all feel for eachother when we don't do so well and praise eachother when we do.

This pretty much sums up how I feel about the topic as well.

Everyone in my program tends to discuss grades - almost a topic of bonding. I really do not mind sharing my grades, but it seems I get rude remarks when I make good. I tend to average on the upper end of the class. I never ask what others make - if they tell me, so be it. If you are making high grades, it can put you in a difficult situation. Last week following our test, I heard one classmate say she made the highest grade (very few did well on this test). Then, another student said she actually had the highest grade (2 points better). I sat silent, until asked, and I actually had the highest grade in the class (only missed 2 questions). I then got the cold shoulder. I never asked - I was praying that I wouldn't be asked. So, it is risky...I think I am going to start saying, "I did pretty good" or something like that.

Our professors are very careful to keep individual grades a secret (they do post a list with the percentage of A's, B's, C's and failures - no names of course), however in my clinical group we are very open and honest about grades. On the last exam everyone in the group exceeded the minimum grade (74) except for me (gulp!). The first thing I did was cry on their shoulders. Then, for the next two weeks leading up to the next exam, every day they emailed me study tips, copied notes, worked study groups around my schedule because they wanted me to do well. I'm not sure I would be comfortable sharing with others in the program, but as you know, you become quite close with your clinical group.

So I guess sharing your grade depends on the relationship you have with your peers and how comfortable you are with them. Do what is best for you!

Specializes in neurology, cardiology, ED.
Just curious, why would you even put your valuable time and energy into worrying about "rumors" concerning your grades?

I don't, that's why I just let it be common knowledge. But the fact is people do speculate, they think (at my school at least) that if you don't want to share your grades, there must be a reason.:banghead:

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