Dilemma in job offers...


I am an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) student. I need advice on the following situation. I have already thought out pros and cons. Unfortunately they are still pretty equal....

I have been given a job offer to work full time in an ER before even graduating from nursing school. It is at a smaller hospital but belongs to a major hospital system. I would be receiving GREAT benefits and salary. I would be on orientation for a short while before being "set free". It is a level 4 trauma expanding to be a level 3.

I have also been given a job offer as an intern at a major medical institution. I would be working on a trauma unit and doing projects and presentations along the way. It is an 18 month position that can be completed quicker depending on one's learning. I won't make nearly as much money but it would be with a research and education institute with a lot of medical advancements. This is a level 1 trauma facility.

My ultimate goal is to work as a flight nurse on the air ambulance services.

Given that I am only an ADN student that hasn't even graduated, I would be in the best of predicaments at this time. PLEASE HELP!

Specializes in Clinical Research, Outpt Women's Health.

The ER one for sure with your goals in mind.

Specializes in Wound Care.

Hands down ER job for sure! Where are you located?

Congratulations on two amazing job offers! Because of your goal to be a flight nurse, I would say stick with the ER. I was fortunate enough to work with a flight nurse one day, and he told me that I should try really hard to start in the ER. It will help with obtaining a flight nurse career. Good luck!

Specializes in L&D, infusion, urology.

I agree- ER all the way! It'll be more in line with what you want to do. A trauma center will be more OR-oriented.

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