Published Mar 2, 2008
4 Posts
Determine your body fitness = calculating your BMI "In my opinion"
so what is BMI ?
Body Mass Index (BMI) can be used to indicate if you are overweight, obese, underweight or normal. It will, however, overestimate fatness in people who are muscular or atheletic. Because of these problems, this body mass index calculator shows extra statistics to help you be informed and judge your own body compared to others of the same height and age.
How can i determine My BMI ?
you can determine it with easy step with bmi calculator sites like this one >>>
My BMI is ..... what about it ?
Women tend to believe they look their best at values between 20 to 22 and men are usually satisfied with a BMI of 23 to 25. If your BMI is between 17 to 22, your life expectancy is longer than average. You don't need to lose weight.
If your BMI is between 23 and 25, you are not considered overweight by most people. But if your BMI is 26 or more, that's not good. But you knew that already.
what about BMI world statics ?
See this static
If you have Another information about BMI please supply us with it.
thank you in advance and I hope My first thread here in this great forums contain useful information. and I hope you have good BMI.
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
Welcome to our forums!
Since this thread pertains to a health issue that affects us all, I have moved it into the Health and Stress Mgmt. forum. Thank you for providing this information!
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,838 Posts
My BMI is 28. One source says I need to loose 10 to 20 pounds. Ten pounds is about right, 20 would be too much.
What I don't like about it is that muscle weight is not accounted for. Since I started working out at the gym years ago my BMI has gradually gone up to borderline overweight, even times that I've remained lean.
It's a great tool but doesn't give the total picture.
flightnurse2b, LPN
1 Article; 1,496 Posts
i am 5'4 and i weigh 145 pounds. according to this thing "You are fat, need dieting and exercise" i am not overweight, i work out 4 times a week and can bench press my own weight. i think whoever invented this very rude BMI website forgot muscle weighs more than fat.
i am so sorry
agreed with u and you are normal but try to keep some exercises, u are about to reach overweighted
i am so sorryagreed with u and you are normal but try to keep some exercises, u are about to reach overweighted
i would appreciate, before i get really upset, if you would keep your personal opinions on being "overweighted" to yourself. you don't know me, or any of us, personally. thanks.
396 Posts
That is impolite to say/type. I hope you were making a little joke in reference to the BMI charts being inaccurate.
Muscles and bones are both heavier then they are given credit for. This is seen in body builders as mentioned and bone density is almost never looked at. A person with large, strong bones is going to weigh more then a person who has small or medium sized bones and possibly osteoporosis or something like that even if both examples are the same height with similar fat distributions.
That being said my nutrition teacher who is a registered dietician prefers that we learn to use body composition measures like skin fold measures, bioelectrical impedance and underwater weighing if we have a personal or professional interest (nursing or otherwise) in counseling people about weight.
We are also encouaged to incorporate the concept of how fat is distributed on an indvidual body itself instead of reverting to blanket guidlines that don't tell even a part of the real picture.
She personally thinks the BMI charts should be done away with and that many of them were developed based on a health insurance companies "ideals" in other words yet another excuse they find to find a flaw with everyone and therefore not pay certain claims.
I think the perfect body between 21 - 25 ( in my opinion)
Muscle tissue weighs tremendously more than adipose. Therefore, an extremely muscular person with a BMI of 30 (which is clinically obese) can be much slimmer, leaner, and have significantly less body fat than a person with a BMI of 20. The person with more muscle mass is always going to weigh more, since muscle tissue is heavier and more vascular than fat tissue.
If Allison (flightnurse2b) can bench press her own weight, she is probably a slim muscle machine, regardless of what any BMI calculator determines.
18 Posts
According to BMI I am obese, borderline morbid.....and bodyfat is 9%...
BMI can be inaccurate, body composition is a much better tool. And sara, how can you say something like that and not realize it is rude and degrading. Not all people think a BMI of "20-22" is the "best" body. You have no idea what the person you are insulting body looks like, nor do you have the right to critique....lets keep the conversation pleasant please:mad:
16 Posts
Hello everyone,
I also disagree with the use of BMI to determine health and fitness. Has anyone heard of Dr. Mehmet Oz's of simplified measurement of a healthy body (remember, this is just for simplicity sake): waist measurement for female= or less than 32 inches; for males= or less than 37 inches. He explains this in his book "you on a diet."
Anyhow, does anyone have any comment on this (re:waist measurement)?