DePaul's MENP winter 2015

U.S.A. Illinois


Is there anyone who has been accepted for the the winter 2015 cohort and if so what was the turn around time for a response. Also, if you dont mind sharing what was your gpa and gre scores?

Congrats everyone!!! This is so exciting! I noticed the immunization and welcome note updates on Campus Connect on Tuesday night but still haven't received an email or packet...checking my inbox obsessively for now :) I'll probably email them when I can't take it anymore...

Looking forward to meeting all of you at orientation!

Naomi J, hmm okay so maybe we should do it then? Because for the school of nursing itself, we will have to submit proof of immunization again and for more than just the general required ones.

Bigj14151588...I'm not sure then. I didn't know there was a difference. I have not received my welcome packet in the mail from DePaul, so I'm sure your information is correct. ?

I believe you can submit your immunizations right away. Which I would to make sure you have everything you need. Also, I believe we will also need to do titers and TB shots when we get closer to the start date. I have heard people in general having issues with getting their titers done for other programs and they can be expensive. I am assuming we will learn more at the fall orientation.

BAB90, my understanding is that the general graduate population needs to submit general proof of immunization for the things listed under the immunization tab. We have different requirements, titers and Hep B etc.. So Im unsure if we have to submit proof of both? But I guess better to be safe and do both.

I agree. I submitted my immunization last year since I was a student in DePaul's SPS program. I submitted my entire immunization record to stay on the safe side of things.

Is anyone else concerned about DePaul's grading scale? I am! An A is a 96-100 and an A- is a 93-95. I think I want to pursue an advanced practice specialty degree afterwards and am concerned that my GPA will be destroyed if I attend DePaul. My GPA is not that terribly high to begin with at a 3.25 cumulative. I know I need to raise it in nursing school if I want to be a truly competitive candidate for an advanced specialty degree program like NP or anesthesia, etc. I would love to get some insight from someone in the program or someone who has completed the program. And other accepted students, what are your thoughts?

The info below is pasted from their student handbook: (page 9)

A 96 100

A- 93 95

B+ 91 92

B 88 90

B- 86 87

C+ 83 85

C 80 82

C- 77 79

D+ 74 76

D 70 73

To be retained in the nursing program, students must maintain a cumulative grade

point average of 3.0 in all academic work at the University.

2. Graduate students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0

in all academic work at the University.

3. Students must earn a grade of B- or better to receive graduate credit for any 300

level courses.

4. Graduate students who receive LESS than a B- in any nursing course are placed

on probation for a minimum of one quarter.

5. Clinical courses may not be re-taken to raise an unsatisfactory grade.

6. Graduate students who receive more than one grade below a B- in any required

nursing course or less than a C in any one required course will be dismissed from

the program.

Also, in case anyone was wondering, I called the school and was told that by submitting your intent to enroll you are basically just reserving your spot, not agreeing to pay a deposit or anything, not yet at least!

Sampson sis, that grading scale looks tough.. but it's graduate school so I am not surprised. It is going to be difficult, especially for those working students with part or full time jobs, or students who are parents. It is up to us to keep up, study, and support each other. We can do it =).

Is anyone going to the Rosalind Franklin campus?

Also, in case anyone was wondering, I called the school and was told that by submitting your intent to enroll you are basically just reserving your spot, not agreeing to pay a deposit or anything, not yet at least!

SampsonSis thanks for the info. I'm still waiting to hear back from a few other schools so this is good to know! Just got off the phone with Fin. Aid and it sounds like the first tuition payment is due Dec 5

Thanks SampsonSis. Very informative. I guess that grading scales answers my question of should I continue to work part time or not. :bookworm:

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