denied BSN degree

Nursing Students General Students


I am wondering if anyone has advice for me. My daughter's final grade in Acute Care was 72.5 when she needed a 75 to pass the course. She did extremely well in her clinical and was told by her clinical instructor that she would make a great nurse. We met with her professor and were told that she would not allow her to make up the 2 1/2 points by writing a paper or case study since she only grades on the four quizzes and mid-term and final exam. The dean of nursing advised us she would adhere to the professor's decisions since it was their policy that a BSN student be allowed to repeat only one course during the four year program. My daughter had failed Pharmacology by one point in her Souphmore year (took it over that summer and got a B) and that their policy states that BSN students cannot fail more than one course during the four years. Her GPA for the four years is 2.90. We are writing an appeal of the grade since the professor did curve one of the quizzes and the mid-term but will not curve the final. We're not holding out much hope. If they stick to their policy, this means that after spending over $120,000 my daughter will not get her BSN degree and was advised that she could take two courses in the Spring semester and get a degree in Health Sciences instead of her BSN. Our only other choice is to transfer to another college and start all over again, retaking all her nursing courses since these courses don't transfer! Any advice or hope from anyone?

Regardless of how this plays out, I hope your daughter will take away a very important lesson: Stay on top of your situation and do what's necessary along the way.

The time to start dealing with this was after her first exam when she first saw that she might fail out of her program.

I hope that everything works out for the best for your daughter.

I'm sure the mother appreciates your advice. :no:

Quick, somebody throw another stone. :deadhorse

Specializes in NICU.
I'm sure the mother appreciates your advice. :no:

Quick, somebody throw another stone. :deadhorse

I'm sorry, what is the point of this? The OP came on asking for advice and support. The best advice many people have thought to give her daughter is to fight her own battles and take responsibility for her own action/inaction. Encouraging the mother to continue micromanaging her daughter's life does no one any favors.

I hope things work out for yor daughter. If not, keep her in school and tell her don't give up on her dream of becoming a nurse. She knows the material, she just have to work harder. There are plenty of stuents that failed and went back to school and passed. Keek your heads up. Any mother would want the best for their child

Specializes in CCU.

To the OP:

I'm not here to judge you or your daughter. I understand what you are going through. I don't think there is anything wrong with appealing. Like someone has already said, all you can do is try and if it doesn't work out then at least you know that you failed trying. Appeals are often denied but you only have one chance to do it and you already know the worst that can happen. I failed a nursing class, and I have vowed to NOT let it happen again not matter what I need to do to avoid failing twice. My problem was that I did not find the best way to study to retain the material, maybe your daughter hasn't found the best way to study. She probably did not devote enough time to studying.. i think the standard rule is like 3 hrs of study time for every credit hr in class. Different study methods may be needed for different courses. Once you get that first below average test grade in a class, never procratinate on finding out why you failed. By that I mean, from the very first failing test's time to evaluate what went wrong so you don't have to depend on the final to make or break passing a course. It's devastating and I hope that you and your daughter can find a solution that works for you both. My advice is to never give up. If she wants this bad enough then she will find a way to accomplish her goal.

Whatever happened with this incident ??

This is the only post by this OP and she likely didn't hear what she wanted she probably won't post again.:o NS can be heartbreaking!

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

That would be my guess too.

Sorry she is having to go this ... but she was lucky she got the chance to make up the failed course IMO. I'm in a CC with a 75% required to pass. If you fail a course you are out. Period. If you are re-admitted to the program within the next 5 years and you fail a nursing course you can not continue for another 5 yrs. I have had many a peer fail out with a 74.80 or 74.99. Although I feel for those that this happens to it isn't about the 75% that they do know it is about the other 25% that they don't know.

You know

Specializes in NICU.

That's why the word "GUESS" was used, methinks.

Specializes in LTC/Peds/ICU/PACU/CDI.
assuming that your daughter is not successful in her attempts to get the school to change her grade ... and if her heart is set on a nursing career ...

her "best" pathway might be to get an associate's degree at local community college. she would probably only have to take the bare minimum required courses as most of her other credits should transfer. once she has her adn, she would probably be able to enter a bsn completion program -- again with a lot of her previous credits transferring successfully, leaving her the minimum number of courses to repeat.

or perhaps she could also obtain that health science degree & then apply to another accelerated bsn/msn program for 2nd degree holders as well.

sorry this had to happen ~ hope this helps.



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