Deep SC vs IM B12 injection ?


Specializes in Tele, ED/Pediatrics, CCU/MICU.


My dear boyfriend is anemic d/t having most of his GI tract removed as an infant, because he had a nasty case of intusussception. He is now 24 and is pretty tall and skinny (about 6'2'', 155 soaking wet). He has been giving himself monthly injections his entire life... and never rotated sites. He has that classic golf-ball type dimpling on his thighs. I've been giving him the shots since I met him, but I'm not sure which site to rotate to. The injection can be either IM or Deep SC. The pharmacy is providing him with needles that are usually 5/8in, and I've been using the IM technique (drawing back to check for blood, 90 degree angle) just to be safe.

My questions are:

-What is the difference in technique between SC and Deep SC?

-Should I try his belly, delt or triceps?

-What is the difference in absorption in SC vs IM?

-Should he be asking for longer needles so he can just do it IM (for sure) in the delt?

Thanks for any advice you can give! I will of course tell him to consult his doctor if need be, but I feel compelled to be a good nurse/girlfriend and help him troubleshoot and stop damaging his legs!

Specializes in L&D.

I require monthly B12 injections (I'm post gastric bypass), and get it IM, with the longer needles.

Specializes in IM/Critical Care/Cardiology.

You have a much better blood supply with the IM's. I was also taught to give tihs injection the Z-track method.Theory is that the med stays deep and doesn't seep. I could be wrong, they may have studied this and this has changed.

Is it because of his slight build that Gluteal injections aren't mentioned? Just curious.

I'm sure he appreciates your help, what a sweetheart!

Specializes in ER/Trauma.

Well, here is my situation...*NOT* medical advice, just what I do. :) I also take monthly B12 post gastric bypass too. I take mine SQ in the lower abd, same location as a Lovenox injection would be. This is per the recommendation of my surgeon, and I questioned him pretty heavily about SQ vs IM.

We've always been told to avoid gluts when possible due to the chance of hitting nerves.

Specializes in SNF.

Ditto....specifically sciatica.

Specializes in Tele, ED/Pediatrics, CCU/MICU.

I agree with all the comments about avoiding the bum... the whole nerve thing scares me!

Thanks for all the help :)

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