It is the same story for many of us. We graduate. We can’t find a job. Our first offer is a dialysis nurse job. We take it became student loans. Then we are marooned for life.
Within a year of starting as a dialysis nurse I began looking for something else. And no one will hire me. I got a bachelors degree because magnet hospitals require it.
I got a masters degree hoping I could move into an administrative role.
Still nothing.
I thought maybe I could get a couple years of experience on the floor so I can put my masters degree to good use, but no one will hire me. I can’t even get a job in a doctors office!
So let me ask you, why won’t you hire us? Did you have a bad experience when you hired a dialysis nurse? Are we unteachable? Do we have a hard time making the switch? Do we have knowledge gaps? What is it?
Please tell me what the secret is so that I can get out of this rut and move on to something else.
Thank you