Daytona State College RN Program Fall 2016??

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey everyone! This is my first post and I hope to get some advice on applying to Daytona states nursing program in May for fall semester 2016. I currently have a 3.42 gpa and a 75% teas test score but I'm nervous that it won't be enough ugh what were some of your gpas and scores? I'm finishing my last pre reqs right now so I hope it doesn't drop much. Any advice on what easy online classes to take next semester to boost my gpa?

Still no letter :(

No letter today :(

Hopefully this week though! So what are the steps we have to complete once accepted?

Hopefully this week though! So what are the steps we have to complete once accepted?

We should get basic instructions in the letter inthink. The majority of things will be explained during orientation.

No letter today :(

Has anyone seen the mailman yet??

but as of now, no letter has arrived either... The longer the better though, right?!

Yep, you will get all your instructions in the packet. After orientation, they had us walk over to another building to register. It took a while standing in line, but it was a done deal! Don't be surprised if you do not get the classes you requested. Many of us were put in different classes (clinicals,) and they told us there was nothing they could do about it at that time. It was a busy day. You can also buy some used scrubs etc. from previous students that day, and save some money!

Has anyone received their letter yet? I'm at work and it is killing me not knowing!

No letter yet but I haven't gotten home from work yet today! Anyone else?

I just checked. No letter. I can't take this anymore. I just want to know. Maybe tomorrow

Just checked and no letter :(

Good luck all!! It's no walk in the park!!

Advice-- jumpstart is semi a waste of time most of us left half way through

When did you have orientation?

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