Daytona State College RN Program Fall 2016??

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey everyone! This is my first post and I hope to get some advice on applying to Daytona states nursing program in May for fall semester 2016. I currently have a 3.42 gpa and a 75% teas test score but I'm nervous that it won't be enough ugh what were some of your gpas and scores? I'm finishing my last pre reqs right now so I hope it doesn't drop much. Any advice on what easy online classes to take next semester to boost my gpa?

Nothing here either!!

Ugh!!! I can't take it! Lol.. What is semi?

I'm going to second semester. We had jumpstart like 2- weeks before hand.

Semi like kind of... Seriously it confused most of us and didn't get us prepared at all.

But orientation is mandatory jumpstart is not

Biggest piece of advice--- NEVER slack. Do readings everyday minimum

Just got my letter today! My friend also got hers so everyone should be getting theirs!

Nothing for me yet ugh

Did you get accepted, BHatchcock??

omg I'm so excited!! :nailbiting:

I just got mine!

My friend didn't get in. The said the lowest gpa they took was 3.22 if that helps anyone. Good luck!!!

Thanks for the insight, and I'm sorry about your friend!! I hope she will have no problem next semester :sorry:

Who told you that was the lowest GPA they took?

She called them at the school

What about transition program? Is it the same? Mine is a 3.19 but I'm in the Bahamas so can't check my mail ugh :grumpy:

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