2 days before my Big Day. Hurst, Kaplan scores

Nursing Students NCLEX


I did my best to prepare for this exam. It was a roller coaster ride, felt the craziest feeling I never had before. This forum helped me a lot since I'm a foreign grad and NCLEX is very different with the local board exam from which I came from. I don't know what to expect so I had tons of review materials. They made me confused so I stick to Hurst, Saunders, La Charity, KAPLAN, NCLEX 3500 and a few NCLEX CRAM Q&A (still a lot. Lol). I'm fortunate that all I need to do everyday is to study. I had "lazy" days but I make sure that I catch up with my sched. Yes, I made my own schedule. With date, topics and Q&A that I need to finish then evaluate myself. I had trouble remembering lab values, erikson, vaccination and infection control, what I did was I printed out a sheet for each topic and wrote them down every single day.

For HURST, my scores were as follows

Qreview 1: 86 (68.8%)

Qreview 2: 78 (62.4%)

Qreview 3: 94 (75.2%)

Qreview 4: 96 (76.8%)

Qreview 5: 106 (83.5%)

Qreview 6: 93 (74.4%)

Online review was a tremendous help, made me get back on track. Maybe I repeated them about 4x.

For KAPLAN, I used the old QTrainer which you can just download for free online. Didn't take 6 and 7 because there's no way you can pause it.

Qtrainer 1: 65%

Qtrainer 2: 61%

Qtrainer 3: 67%

Qtrainer 4: 69%

Qtrainer 5: 67%

I also have the KAPLAN 2013-2014 Strategies

CD Practice exam: 76%

Book Practice Test: 74%

Questions were harder than HURST Q-review.

I'm not going to review tomorrow anymore. I'm done and I just want this to be over. I hope and pray that what I did is enough to pass the test.

Any suggestion that can help me in any way are greatly appreciated. :)

I believe in prayers and I need a lot of them! :D

It's all in God's hands now. Thy will be done.:D

How were the questions ?

In my experience they were more similar to ncsbn. 2days before I took the exam I was able to see about 80 questions from their program. Questions were direct. Kinda similar to Kaplan too but with Kaplan, questions were so vague.

Goodluck. You should do the trick already, I am pretty sure you'd passed. I am also from the philippines and I will be taking the exam on the 15th this tuesday. Can you give me updates on what came out? Because I heard if you take it within the same week, theres a big chance that you'll get the same sets of questions. Anyways I'd really appreciate it. Thank you kabayan

I did try the trick. :dead: results were on hold. I'm not surprised because my first name is incomplete, too long. Expecting that it would somehow be a problem.

I got tons of prio questions, 1 dele, lots of SATA (didn't count them though), 1 ecg, 2 meds, bunch of conference questions which I believe were teachings. no computation. Only topic that was new to me when I took the exam was conflict management. I don't think I read anything about it or if I did, I thought maybe it's not important so I forgot it. Good Luck to you and God bless! :) You can do it! Pray a lot. It helps. :D

@ Leiloo

Finger crossed. I'm still praying. :) Thank you for the good vibes! :D


I tried the trick. Results on hold. Expected though. :) When does the quick results be available? Is it 48 hours after the test before you can make a payment or pay first when it's available then wait for 48hrs? Do you know? :)

Do you feel Kaplan helped?

Specializes in Psychiatri.

I tried the trick. Results on hold. Expected though. :) When does the quick results be available? Is it 48 hours after the test before you can make a payment or pay first when it's available then wait for 48hrs? Do you know? :)

I wish I could answer that but I'm not sure. I would think that you would have to check with your BON but I could be wrong. All in all though, I really pray you passed! I'm sure you did. Please continue to keep us updated, I have been following your NCLEX journey on this forum for a while. :)

I have a good feeling that you passed :)

Specializes in ICU, LTC, MDS, SNF.

yea i heard from previous takers they got a lot of conference questions. i think those are one of those experimental questions. What specific topics came out? ecg and meds? sorry just really anxious, 4 more days left

Keep hope alive Angel.

Praying for everyone of you. You will pass and if you don't it is not the end of the world. Howwever, it may feel like it. Be strong and hope for thev best.

I got A LOT of conference questions too. And they were all SATA.

Friends I got the good pop up!!! Still waiting for the quick results though. Still not available. I hope the trick works for me too.

Specializes in ICU, LTC, MDS, SNF.

oooo.. Congratulations... Im taking mine this tuesday..

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