Davenport Nursing Program questions

U.S.A. Michigan


Hi everyone,

Thanks for taking a look at my post.

I have heard some good things about Davenport in Warren, specifically the LPN program. Is it hard to get it? Also, what are the pre-requirmenets?

Thanks for any advice offered...

Any good or bad things to say about davenport or baker or occ is appreciated


I am currently waiting daily by the mailbox hoping to get my acceptance into the Nursing Program at Davenport Warren Campus. The requirements are posted at www.davenport.edu - it's not too bad. From what I have been told it is competitive to get in but they do not have a waitlist. 60 students are taken each fall - 30 for the morning program and 30 for the afternoon program. Good Luck!

Does anyone have sample nursing essays I can look at? I hear Davenport is pretty picky about their essays! Thanks!

Specializes in 19 yrs CNA.
:twocents: :down: this is my opinion about davenport nursing program. i went there from another school about 4 yrs ago hoping 2 get into that program. when i transfered i have all courses i need for the lpn & rn program. 1st i was told that i had 2 take @ least 12 of davenport crdeits; i did & got a 4.0 gpa took the hesi test & did well. i waited by my mailbox waiting for good news (didn't get it). i applyed the following year & got the same news :cry:. so i asked questions, didn't get answers. when i did get a call back i was advised to take the medical assistant program, but that's not what i went there for. i left davenport every disappointed :angryfire & feeling like i waisted time & money :angryfire :down: :cry:

I have heard some of the same things as posted above from coworkers who went there plus there tuition is very high.

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.

I am currently taking my prereqs at Davenport Warren and am very sorry to hear about anyone's bad experiences. Mine have been nothing but positive but then, school is like life, you get out of it what you put in. I am shooting for the new "4 year" BSN program (accelerated) and I took the TEAS today. I am optimistic.

I do know this, the class sizes are small but then, so is the pool of candidates (comparatively).

I have heard VERY good things about MCCC but, as with any CC the competition is brutal. I have also heard good things about Baker.


I am currently going to Davenport University, and can honestly say

that I love it! They competition is tough, and the TEAS is rough, all

together though I believe they are doing the best they can!

I as well am applying for the 4 year accelerated nursing program!

Good Luck, Persephone


Do you recieve your grade for the TEAS automatically?

As well was the test very hard, in your opinion. I took it

from a different school, and had mixed feelings? I am taking mine on

the 17th! So hopefully everything works out, any suggestions for the

test, as well I bought the TEAS practice test book, do you feel

that helped out at all?


Specializes in Emergency Nursing.

The manual was very helpful in preparing for it.

When I took the test the proctor showed me my score as soon as I was done.

Does anyone know how long the accelerated BSN program is?

:nurse:Hello everyone, I was wondering how many got accepted into the LPN Program at DU. I was denied acceptance into the BSN so I applied for the LPN and got accepted. I was a little dicouraged at first considering all the pre and co req's that I have and it made me feel as if I am starting all over again knowing that this is just a diploma program until I recieved GREAT news about LPN-RN opportunities.:yeah:

Msrenee would you mind sharing with me some information about the LPN program? I am going to be applying to both the BSN and LPN program just to have my eggs in more than one basket. What did you score on the TEAS test? How was your GPA? I must say I have a pretty good GPA right now and I'm hoping to keep it that way. I am sturggling in AP2 right now but figured that if I didn't do better than a C i could still take the class again for a better score but still apply just to get my feet wet. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again!

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