Published Apr 18, 2011
1 Post
I just was accepted into nursing school (wohoo!) and there is so many things to start thinking about, one of them being shoes! Last summer I was working two jobs for some extra money and was on my feet for close to 12 hours a day if I had to work both jobs. To try and save my aching feet I purchased dansko shoes after I heard great reviews from almost everyone I knew and everywhere I read. Much to my surprise, they did not work for me! I got them and I literally could not wear them anymore they hurt my feet so bad. At the end of the day my toes would be completely numb. Did anyone else have this problem? Is it recommended to go up a size in these shoes (I had the european size equivalent to my normal size which is a 7.5/8)?
I don't know if I should give these shoes another try or if I should move on to something else that might work better for me.
Thank you so much for your help!
304 Posts
I have Danskos that I love, but ultimately, I find that they're better (for me, anyway) more for standing than for lots of walking around... My fave shoes to wear on 12+ hour shifts so far have been Nike Shox.
Good luck in nursing school!
143 Posts
Check with your nursing school on what they require for shoes before you spend any money. Mine required pure white closed toe and heel. I found some new balance that do the trick and not too much $$.
379 Posts
dansko's should fit very loosely on your feet - you should be able to fit a finger between your foot and the shoe all the way around. your feet sort of flop around inside the shoe when you walk if they fit correctly. often you buy a size larger than normal ... for example, i wear a US size 8 and a 39 in dansko's. and of course you have to size them with whatever type of sock you intend to wear them with - many people seem to wear very thin socks or no socks with the clogs.
the shoes are hand-made and it can also make a difference just trying another pair of the same size. you would be amazed at how differently some of the "same size" clogs will feel. many stores, including department stores & the walking company, will also stretch the dansko's for you - this might be worth trying with the pair you already own?
ChristineAdrianaRN, BSN, RN
1 Article; 168 Posts
You have to break them in, first. I was told to not wear them for more than about 4-6 hours at a time when I was first wearing them. They killed my feet if worn for much longer than that! After about a week of wearing them though, they didn't hurt anymore, and now they are fabulous.
SunshineDaisy, ASN, RN
1,295 Posts
Our school requires all white shoes also, closed toe and heel. I got a pair of Dawgs, and OMG they are so comfy! I got these ones in white
Oh, and it's nice that the material is such that they are easy to clean!
W Barbier
Hi, I am thinking your shoes were too small. They need to fit fairly snug across the top with room to wiggle your toes and your heel will be loose. Personally, I like thicker socks with mine. Also, do not buy and wear to work unless you have worn these before. Buy, wear for an hour or two the first day and go up from there. Also these shoes do not work for everyone. One store I know of sells these but uses caution because of that fact.
185 Posts
I buy a size up when I buy Danskos. They are meant to fit big -not snug. They are my most comfortable shoes but I did have to break them in.
1,196 Posts
Also, I'll say that Danskos just aren't for everyone. They hurt my feet, even after trying several different sizes. I ended up giving mine away because they were so uncomfortable. All feet are different. I have good luck with Birkis, Alegrias, and Anywears.
I also don't like the idea of having to "break in" a pair of shoes - if you're spending so much money on a pair, they should be wearable right away, in my opinion.
82 Posts
Get to a store that can fit you properly for your Danskos. I must have tried on 6-8 pairs of the SAME size shoe, and none of them fit the same due to being handmade. If one shoe fit, the other didn't. Find a local place that will let you switch shoes between boxes. For instance, if the right shoe from one box fits, and the left from another fits, see if they will let you take one from each box. Remember, they are the same size, so this should be ok with them. In the end, I'm glad I took my time to find the right fit because my back does not ache, my knees do not ache, and my feet are happy after long shifts. I encourage you to take good care of yourself and make sure your footwear fits properly. The fit of your shoe can impact your entire day. These shoes are designed to be a bit loose, but not falling off, so that you can take proper steps.