customer service rant

Nurses General Nursing


OK, so this is totally a rant. Here it goes...

On the radio yesterday there was a promo: "we will interview a flight attendant here and she will tell us how to get good service from the flight attendants on a plane." So to get good service I have to do something above and beyond purchasing a $500 ticket?? Airline flights clearly are classified as 'customer service' yet I have do something special to get the service for which I already paid good money? (In case you are wondering, I did not hear the actual interview. I do have a lot of respect for flight attendants--they put up with a lot and get very little recognitions. i just though the whole idea was pretty silly!)

Yet I have pts. who are paying nothing toward their bill and I am judged not on my nursing care but on my customer service skills. :uhoh3:

I was charge one night in the ED when we had a code. I was reprimanded because there was a kid in another bed who wanted water and no one got it for him when he wanted it.

And can you imagine if it was the same fathead's kid who was coding? I'm sure they'd understand if you held compressions, meds, or calls for labs so you could get Spanky a popsicle.

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.

That was one time when I didn't take criticism seriously. I mean...really?

Specializes in Adult/Ped Emergency and Trauma.
I was charge one night in the ED when we had a code. I was reprimanded because there was a kid in another bed who wanted water and no one got it for him when he wanted it.

I'm going to take Thumper's advice on this one (if you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all.)

. . . But, I hope you didn't take that advice, and gave administration some "priority education."

Haha, sounds like when I was reprimanded because my new admit looked like she was going to crump, and I assessed her and got a coworker to take a look at her (I was new to peds, and wanted a second opinion) BEFORE I got a sleep chair for mom's boyfriend (who wasn't even the baby daddy.) Sorry, would rather your boyfriend be uncomfortable for 15-20 more minutes rather than your baby be dead. My assistant manager actually said, "Well the baby ended up fine, right?"

Specializes in Adult/Ped Emergency and Trauma.

When my "BS" meter is full up for the day, and a patient's family member needs a human punching bag to take out all their frustrations out on, . . .I tell them, "Hold that thought, . . .run for a "Customer Service Questionaire," let them fill it out, and then file it under "G!" That's great therapy! (for them and me). Of Course I take the Patient's opinons seriously though, but the family member that pops in for 5 minutes of heXX, after a rough shift, and is getting on the patient's (and my) nerves; I have found this to be a very crucial skill.

(No, I don't read them either- I would let them finish if I was going to waste that time- and Yes, I know this will bite me one day if they follow-up, but their usually "POed" at someone else by then anyway.*

*Boston does not recommend this Practice to anyone else. Boston knows this is terrible, unacceptable, and reprimandable behavior- but it keeps him from having a mental breakdown on an already severly disturbed drama queen/king, and helps keep him out of "straight jacket" and "padded room!"

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