CSUSB Fall 2012 Hopefuls

U.S.A. California


Hey everyone!

Well we made it mighty far and now we are done with pre reqs and on to applying!

I am applying to the 2012 cohort and would like to invite everyone else that is applying to post here for any questions, concerns or comments!

Well I am about to put in my application. So far I have all pre reqs done, pending algebra this winter intersession. My Teas test is done, my letters of rec are on their way and basically all I am waiting for is final transcripts!

Good luck to everyone who applied

Let the wait begin!

Specializes in Med-Surg/DOU/Ortho/Onc/Rehab/ER/.

Just that acceptance letter needed! When are spring grades due? Maybe we will get lucky and it will be early July. Highly doubt it, but I have high hopes.

The last day to turn in final transcripts is July 2nd. They should pretty much have an idea of who is going to get in or not by the point, but who knows how long it will be until they decide to inform us.

Specializes in Med-Surg/DOU/Ortho/Onc/Rehab/ER/.

Oh thanks.. I thought it was like due right when July started. I am hoping they have a pretty good idea of whos getting in by the grades they have now! Wishful thinking. But of course the IP people (in progress) still have to turn in grades so people may be moved. I wonder if they have evaluated anything at all. I knew some of us, like me, are done with everything and all is turned in. I wonder if they do us first? Or all at the same time. By that date, it will be late July for sure.

Specializes in Med-Surg/DOU/Ortho/Onc/Rehab/ER/.
Specializes in Med-Surg/DOU/Ortho/Onc/Rehab/ER/.

I am hoping that most schools are done with finals and therefore should be sending grades in. The sooner everyone gets grades in the sooner we can find out if we are in or not.

Whew. Its already past mid June. Just one more month to go!

Specializes in Med-Surg/DOU/Ortho/Onc/Rehab/ER/.

Ok so I guess allnurses lost almost a days worth of posts by some error. So everything Mikey and Spiffyness posted and my replies are lost into the digital abyss.

So I will recap by replying because I left the page up after I responded so nothing got deleted. But once I post this up then it will sound weird replying to stuff that 'wasn't there'.

@Mikey: I am glad to hear you got your grades in. Now you can join me in the final wait! I did not know that the program also posts up a list of accepted students earlier. That is really good to know. I just wish we knew when. I wouldn't mind driving down there if it wasn't for the fact that I would waste gas if the list wasn't up. I am thinking that by the end of June, all spring classes should be done and in, but they just give the July date to give extra time. The more people turn in their grades, the faster they get inputed and therefore we find out if we are in or not. I am also thinking that I will call the week after the July 2nd date to see if they posted the list up. I prefer them to send notifications via email over snail mail but beggers can't be choosers.

So other than that, its just more waiting but we have very little waiting to do now! Also, if we find out we get in, I was thinking of making a Facebook group for the fall 2012 nursing students. That way we can all stay in touch before and during schooling to kind of connect. Just a thought. Anyway if you hear they posted up the list or vice versa we should definitely post about it.

@Spiffster: Hey there! Long time no see eh? I am still waiting to hear from CSUSB and should hear in the next month if not sooner. I am pretty nervous and excited because as much as I think my stats are up to par, I have had very bad luck with the CSUs as you know. Hopefully CSUSB will be the one to get their crap together and let me in! As for you, congrats for getting into the trimester program. You are going to so busy once school starts. But at least you will be done a year earlier! I can't believe a lot more people wanted the trimester this time over the basic. But you got what you wanted so it doesn't matter! Yay for you!

Anyway, as far as you withdrawing your application. I do not know if you can. I think you application is basically withdrawn due to you not paying the deposit (same thing that happened with CSULA). For transfers like most of us applying that is a good thing. Every BSN program shows them taking more transfers over their own students because transfers always have higher stats, statistically (no offense to the students at the schools, its just a known fact). If the bulk of the competition is transfers and they get in somewhere else and therefore do not pay the deposit then their applications are out. Which is very good news to the rest of us who stuck through this. So as much as I hate the wait, its very positive for us still in the running.

Yes I have had a lot to think about with only working 3 days a week and no school. Too much time on my hands basically. I hope to hear something soon though cause the wait is a killer!

I think they said that could call the peer advising center and they could let us know if the list was up or not. As far as the Facebook group goes, I think that would be a wonderful idea. I mean the students that we're going to be going to school with over the next 3 years are going to become pretty much like family. Keeping in touch can't hurt!

Specializes in Med-Surg/DOU/Ortho/Onc/Rehab/ER/.

Oh it will be in the peer advising center? Is that the main office or the one for the nursing major? Hmm. I will definitely call them in a couple weeks to see if its posted. I wonder if they wouldn't mind looking for our names versus us driving down there. Hahaha just a thought!

Yes I would love to make a FB group for all of us to join in on. And somehow bring it up in orientation so others who aren't on this website can see it and join. Then we could chat after orientation to help each other get stuff done and give each other tips on supplies and organizers and stuff. It would be definitely helpful before and during the program.

Anyway, until then happy waiting!

Hi CSUSB 2012 Hopefuls! I just finished my first year of nursing at CSUSB and I remember reading on allnurses.com about getting in just like everyone here about a year ago. So hopefully I can be of some help here. In terms of how they accept people, your overall gpa really doesn't matter as long as you meet the minimum. It's your pre-req gpa and TEAS that really are the deal breaker. I remember getting acceptance letters around July 21st it was a Thursday and I was actually at school when they posted the list in front of the main office windows and Orientation was around August 9th for us. Crazy that I actually remember these dates lol.

Specializes in Med-Surg/DOU/Ortho/Onc/Rehab/ER/.

Oh congrats on completing your first year! How exciting! Did you enter fall 2011? How have you liked it so far? Has it been fun/easy/hard/ etc? How is the professors? How are the clinical sites?

Sorry for all the questions! I guess your on break now, and I am sure it is well deserved :)

I am just so nervous! I just want to know if I am in or not. Do you think 3.83 pre req GPA and an 84% teas is enough? According to the last few cohorts stats they gave us this past orientation (for the school) my stats were above average in both categories. Also I have all everything else except bilingual, which is ok I guess. I also moved into SB county (I changed my address on mycoyote and notified the nursing dept) so I hope I get points for that.

I am just really nervous and have a load of bad luck from all the CSU programs I have applied to. I have been denied over pointless things and stupid rules. Ugh. I just hope that CSUSB will take me in!

So you really found out mid July? I was hoping it would be sooner. If I get in I need to get permission to change my scheduling for work and they schedule 6 weeks at a time. I need to give more than a month or two notice lol. You think the list is posted earlier than mid July?

Oh and thanks for checking in and posting up!

Thank you so much for your input hailingrain! If you don't mind me being nosy, do you happen to remember your stats when you applied and which version of the teas you took? I think we all just pretty much want to know how our stats compare to those who were accepted lol. And congrats on completing your first year of nursing school!

Specializes in Med-Surg/DOU/Ortho/Onc/Rehab/ER/.

Ok so I got a little worried when looking at my PAWS report.

For the longest time I could never see it because they were working on it. Now that its up i took a look.

I saw that under the nursing courses/support courses, the GPA I calculated is higher than what they calculated. I am thinking that is because they including the co reqs like stats and developmental psych. So now I am worried that they will use that GPA over the GPA for the 9 pre reqs which is way better than what they have.

I am pretty sure that I am just freaking out for no reason. I am just wondering if someone else is seeing what I am seeing.

On the bright side, I am only missing like 2 capstones because thankfully, the upper division GEs I took at Cal Poly are actually being counted at CSUSB. Whew...

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