CSN RN Program Details. Spring 09 Beyound!

U.S.A. Nevada


I wanted to start a thread that would give general info for those interested in the RN program at CSN in Nevada. I got some good info from reading peoples posts here at allnurses.com and thought since that I have put in an application I could post on here and help people in the future who have questions.

Starters...People who are interested in the program starting from scratch.

I would definetly recommend going to one of the orientations first off. It is about an hour they go over the details and they get you in the system. This will be important when you decide to set up a meeting to meet with an advisor at the K building later on, you cannot set one up without attending the orientation.

Course requirements. Although i have no experiance as an advisor i could say get one of the program packets that state what is required. I can say right off bat that the GPA requirement is based off those classes listed in the pre-requisets and do not include the othe general requirements although you do get points off of some of those.(Science classes allowed three tries passing or highest of the three!). Points are given for certain classes the most of which is ten for Bio 224 ANP II. Please get a packet though available at the K building Charleston campus not sure about Cheyenne.

Third at some point better sooner then later sign up for the TEAS examination. if you are not happy with your score you can retake it after a certain number of months. Taking this early while you are working on course requirements will give you time to retake it and possibly get a better score. Also this test is used at some other universities take it you want to pursue a bachelors somewhere else. You have to pay in order to sign up for a date to be tested. This is Part of acceptance into program and you also get points for this. Same test they have in California and I guess other places here in the states.(like 30 dollars sign up at the cashier, and yes they have review books for this one!)

Application process there are deadlines and as for right now they are twice a year. They have full-time and part time schedules and accept 125 for the full-time track. I wouldn't recommend applying until you have done some of the stuff listed before hand i.e talking to a counselor taking the examination completed classes listed in the requirements packet. You can download the app on the schools website , go find it there.

I am hoping this info will be helpfull to others well basically because its the kinda info I was interested in and had to gather myself least I could do is take this info and help others like me.

Further info I have applied and am also waiting for the call on the 29th like many others I am applying with 28 points to elliminate other questions here after because I know how curious everyone can be after all we are all human right.

My BG I am 28 currently moved from SD where i attended maric college for their RN program in 99 in which i subsequently dropped out moved here to get my life in order. thus me attending CSN and applying for their program! If I get accepted i will update this thread of further information. Starting the program until completion!!

unfortunately you are stuck with the schedule and can't trade with anyone. sew the patches on, the sticky backing doesn't work too good. i set the patches in place by ironing first and then sewed them on from there. my patches are placed about 1 inch from the top of the arm and they look good there. good luck!!! how exciting!!!

you know... it is exciting and scary at the same time!. . . i just talked to that lady from the nursing dept, and she has confirmed that we're pretty much stuck with what we got (even if something comes up -- work/personal issues/whatev), even if someone drops out for whatever reason, an alternate takes that person's spot & option # from orientation. we can't even trade our option schedules w/ anyone who's willing. . . oh well, i guess. . . . :(

p...s... thanks for the tip, i knew we have to use iron anyway, speakers said that uniforms have to be pressed... by the way, do we need to wear our uniforms in labs too?? and can we wear lab jackets to clinicals for extra protection?? (for unwanted body fluids spillage)?

oh, as for uniforms, what's the deal with that? --- only zip ups right? no scrubs either and all white. . . . . thanks.

yeah i agree with you, i felt a few of the speakers went on for far too long and the the stuff i felt was important they barely even touched on.

immunizations: the immunizations that interfere with the tb skin test are mmr and varicella. you can get hep b vaccine anytime without it interfering.

i've had all the hepa series shots about 4 years ago... tetorifice, dipth. (just last year). as far as i can figure, i only need the tb skin tests ('coz for health professionals, they have to get it done yearly anyway) and flu shot done, i'm also getting the blood test done, to make sure that i have all the antibodies in my blood, that includes chickenpox! also, speakers did say that we have to "prove" that we have the antibodies in our system (for those who've had some or part of the shots), otherwise, we have to get all the shots re-done again. exciting huh? .... anyway, thanks for info.

I understand all your questions about the uniforms, they really weren't very specific which bugs me. From what I know it's no scrubs, and the tops have to be either zip up or button up but not snaps. Apparently that place they recommended sells cheap and see through uniforms which I don't want. I'm not sure about uniforms in labs but the handbook says street clothes for labs and it says lab coats over street clothes for days you attend your clinical sites to get the information you need for your assignments and care plans etc. but someone who's already in the program could tell us more then I can.

Do you know anything about signing up for those Nurse 258 toolbox classes...the math ones in december? People around me were talking so i'm not sure but is it true if you want to sign up for them you have to go to K building this thursday at 9am???

You only have to prove you have antibodies if you don't have the records of your shots, you're not required to have both. They were saying if you have the blood test and it comes back negative then you are required to have the shot again. I'm just having all my shots done again because I grew up in Australia and can't be bothered trying to hunt down records over there.

you only have to prove you have antibodies if you don't have the records of your shots, you're not required to have both. they were saying if you have the blood test and it comes back negative then you are required to have the shot again. i'm just having all my shots done again because i grew up in australia and can't be bothered trying to hunt down records over there.

i had a very brief conversation w/ my advisor (fri) and i did tell her that i have proof of all my shots and my hepa series were about 4 or 5 years ago and she did say that i might need a booster and for chickenpox (i had it when i was in my early '20's), i told her that i'm pretty sure i have antibodies. then, she said, it's been a while since i had hepa shots done and there are people who "get" chickenpox the 2nd time around, also it is possible for some people not to develop antibodies after they get the vaccines. the only way to be sure is to have the blood test done. . . that's why csn requires it and it is for our own protection as well. but, if you're having all the shots re-done anyway, i don't think they require it for you, since your vaccines will be recent.....

do you know anything about signing up for those nurse 258 toolbox classes...the math ones in december? people around me were talking so i'm not sure but is it true if you want to sign up for them you have to go to k building this thursday at 9am???

i remember they said that, if you can't register for nurs 285 for whatever reason online, you need to go between 9am-2 or 3pmish to bldg k room 106 thursday and they'll give you some kind of registration form (ok form) to go register for it in person @ registrar's office. as far as nurs 101l/c/lab, you can do that on line this wed (like everyone else). no need to worry about that, 'coz the option u chose @ orientation is reserved just for you. nurs 125b is not as congested, so u can register for that also @ the same time.

well I'm pretty sure they don't require you to do both because all vaccine forms from the school state to either have records of it no records you need the blood test and even during orientation they said if you don't have records you have a choice to either get the shots done again which isn't a bad thing because you're giving yourself a boost OR you can do the blood test, it's just a personal choice. I decided to go the shot route simply because it's been a long time since I had any of my shots.

Thanks for clearing up the 285 thing for me. I was pretty annoyed when people around me were talking during that piece of information since it was important to me. Hopefully it works online wednesday though to avoid having to go in there on thursday.

Aussieandy where you vaccinated with BCG? Just curious I was in England. I had to read up on it. They don't vaccinate children in the U.S..I found out that BCG is weakend TB virus. Although its effectiveness is variable it can cause a positive ppd test for prior exposure. I recently had a positive ppd and a cxr hopefully i don't have tb and the positive ppd was from my bcg exposure. BCG is not the end all so a cxr is needed regardless to check for TB but it can cause a positve ppd. Also it's not commonly seen here because people born here aren't vaccinated.

El Guapo, I also had a BCG vaccine twice. I asked my mom and she said the last time I had the vaccine was when I was 7. I had my skin test on WEdnesday and today I see redness about the size of a dime around the injection site. I had it done at the Health District and I won't come back til Dec 1! they said its becuz the day I was suppose to come back falls on a holiday. I'm so worried. I might have to do a cxr. A friend of mine (also had BCG vaccine) who goes to UNLV tested positive as well and had to do a cxr. But everything turned out okay after she had the cxr done.

My cxr turned out fine. Don't sweat it more then likely if its positive its from the BCG! The good thing is no more ppd'd only x-rays if you turn out positive also.

I've never had the BCG vaccine so I don't test positive. But you are right the vaccine is available in countries like europe and australia but they do not offer it here in the US.

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