CRNE February 2010

World Canada CRNE


Hello! anybody out there?!! :coollook:

I just received my confirmation to write the crne this February. I am now in desperation to get a review materials to study on. I am still in the process of acquiring the crne prep guide as this was what most of those taking the October 2009 CRNE but one thread says the shipping cost is far way too expensive. :cry: huhu

BUt however, the exam cost is to much to fail the test... so can anybody out there give tips? advises and how was it like? what to concentrate more?

Specializes in Critical care.

Hi I'm also sitting the CRNE on the 3rd of Feb and feeling very stressed about it all. I'm using the Lippincott's CRNE prep guide to study from and the CD-ROM that comes with it. I have also gone through the compendium from CNO and a new med/surg text book with a CD-ROM. I really do not know what else to study cause I have run out of material. I have even gone through all of the free NCLEX questions I can find on the net. Not sure if I should buy another CRNE prep guide book or just keep going over what I have. Feeling very stressed!


You've done alot already. There are SO MANY books out there. It's really hard to decide which one would be helpful. I've tried Mosby's and had no luck with it. CNA prep guide is always good. My advice...just keep reading. Where exactly one week away. So do as much as you can. Gudluck!

Hi I'm also sitting the CRNE on the 3rd of Feb and feeling very stressed about it all. I'm using the Lippincott's CRNE prep guide to study from and the CD-ROM that comes with it. I have also gone through the compendium from CNO and a new med/surg text book with a CD-ROM. I really do not know what else to study cause I have run out of material. I have even gone through all of the free NCLEX questions I can find on the net. Not sure if I should buy another CRNE prep guide book or just keep going over what I have. Feeling very stressed!

That is plenty...just relax and take a breath...I only went through the CNO book twice and did fine last October. Anxiety is going to be the thing that either makes or breaks your day. NCLEX and Canadian exam are totally different in every way. Just look at the rationales and make sure you understand that aspect from the CNO guide. It is normal to feel stressed...but the hardest part really is waiting for your results. Good luck!!!

Good luck to everyone. I am sitting to my exam February the 3rd, hopefully I've done enough too by reading Mosby, Lippincott Prep. guide, CRNE prep guide, compendium, very stressed, feel like don't know anything but hopping for the best, good luck to all of us!!!

I wish you all well on your exam this week..I will keep you all in my prayers :) Here's my advice: FOCUS.RELAX.DON'T PANIC.BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.and YOU WILL PASS! :)

you see when i didn't pass my first attempt, inspite of all my long hours and hardwork of studying, reading and answering multiple questions..i thought to myself what can i change this time that will help me pass? so i tried to think more positive...i pictured myself writing the exam at ease..and i pictured myself receiving a passing mark..literally seeing the word "PASS" on my mail, and most of all i prayed and left it up to God. Also i wrote journals describing how i felt and words of encouragement to myself. And on the day of the exam as soon as i woke up i just kept on thinking and speaking positive things. when i got to the exam location even though i saw people i knew, i simply smiled/said hi but didn't try to talk to them because i wanted to FOCUS and not get off track.before i wrote the exam, i prayed, ate a little sugar candy for energy :) and then took 3 deep breaths so that i can soon as i read the questions, my mind tried to convince me that it was tough but i thought to myself, "i have been doing this in my long years of nursing study, its all in my mind." this helped me NOT TO PANIC. and finally after the exam..when someone asked how i did, i said i didn't know but i said it with enthusiasm as if i thought that i would pass.never say you think you failed/did bad because thats just what you may get.

after about 6 weeks when i finally got my result, before i opened it i prayed and said "whatever happens, it happens for a reason, i won't let it bring me down" and i was so happy to see the word PASS :) just as i had imagined it. so pls don't loose of the most important thing is to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. as you write the exam, listen to your subconscious mind, don't second guess yourself! and don't change your answers unless you're 100% positive that the other one is right. i'd have to give alot of credit to my instructor, she was the one who gave me these advice, i hoped someone had told me this when i wrote the exam the first time.believe it or not its not only about studying hard, its also got to do with BELIEVING IN YOURSELF :) i hope this helps! :)

Hi Faith,

Thanks for sharing your experience...I really appreciate it. I will be writing the exam tommorrow for the last time. It's really hard to be positive but I try to. I also believe that everything happens for a reason. So we'll see. Please pray for me 2mrw. I'm nervous but I know I've done everything I can. I've studied for this for over a month n half. It's all up to God. I hope I do well. Please pray for me. Thanks.

Hi, i am taking the CRNE in june 2010, i have no idea about the test, i just purchased the lippinkott crne prep guide, and it has four sections, including mental illness and pediactric care. Does the crne exam have questions on these or are these just for practice. thanks..

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.
Hi, i am taking the CRNE in june 2010, i have no idea about the test, i just purchased the lippincott crne prep guide, and it has four sections, including mental illness and pediatric care. Does the crne exam have questions on these or are these just for practice. thanks..

Yes, of course the CRNE will have questions on these areas. The exam is to assess your knowledge in ALL areas of nursing. Canadian nurses are generalists when they leave school; they receive education in medicine, surgery, obstetrics, pediatrics and mental health as part of their basic nursing education and are expected to know at least a little something about each one for the exam. There are many threads about the CRNE including a sticky on the topic. Perhaps you could do some reading and familiarize yourself.

Hi Faith,

Thanks for sharing your experience...I really appreciate it. I will be writing the exam tommorrow for the last time. It's really hard to be positive but I try to. I also believe that everything happens for a reason. So we'll see. Please pray for me 2mrw. I'm nervous but I know I've done everything I can. I've studied for this for over a month n half. It's all up to God. I hope I do well. Please pray for me. Thanks.

Yw kay :) I'll keep you in my prayers. Just do your best! & If you're stuck in a question, just use your common sense :) :) :)

Specializes in Nursing Research and NeuroPsych Nursing.

All the best fellow colleagues! Goodluck and Godbless to all of us!

May the FORCE be with us tom.. wooohooo!

I have talk to some of my friends who retook the exam today, they were unanimous that it was much easier.Gd for them;). Good luckto all!


For anyone who just wrote the CRNE couple of days ago? What did you think of the exam? How did you find it?

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