creepy teacher....what to do!


So, I finished my micro class a few weeks ago. My teacher seemed very nice and he would always joke around and poke fun at me. I figured it was all in good fun. Well, I came home the other day and there was a message from him on my caller id. I get a bit freaked out..I thought there was a problem with my grade or something school related. I immediately called him back and he goes " I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoyed having you in my class...I wish I had more students like you" I was like " oh ummm thank there anything else?? " He goes.." no, that's it...for now" Ok so now I'm TOTALLY creeped out! I hung up with him and figured " ok, maybe he didn't mean anything by it and I should just take it as a harmless compliment" I let it go. Well, today the I see his number on my caller ID AGAIN...this time, no message. I really don't know what to do. I'm afraid to tell my boyfriend because I know he would " lose it" and go to my school. What do I do though?? Do you think I should just let it go? Is he going too far by calling here? I start class on Friday and I'm so nervous about seeing him on campus. Let me know what you guys think :uhoh21:

Specializes in Public Health, DEI.

To start, I think you should just tell this guy thank you very much, but you and your boyfriend (whether or not you actually decide to tell your boyfriend about this) aren't comfortable with this level of attention. Hopefully, that will be enough, but in case it isn't...

If so, I'd save the message from him, and the second caller id # too, if your machine has that capability. You may not choose to inform the school of what's going on now, but who knows? This guy may have a vindictive nature. If you are assigned to him for another class, this should give the school sufficient proof of the need for you to transfer to another professor. If that isn't possible, and you end up in his class, he'll think twice about any retribution, knowing that you've already spoken to the administration.

As Barney Fife would say, you should nip this in the bud. Get out your bud nipper and nip it!

When I finished A+P II this summer my teacher pulled me outside while the rest of the class was still taking the final and said the same thing- pleasure having you in my class, wish all my students were like you, etc etc. I was flattered, of course, I assumed the " wish all my students were like you" part was that I got A's on the tests and showed up for every class. HOWEVER had he called me on the phone about it...I guess the first time Id have been flattered but the 2nd time? Uh, no....I'd be telling the school

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

I suggest you pull him aside and talk to him about how uncomfortable you are with this. If you are afraid of retaliation from him (especially with your grade), go to the dean immediately and demand to be placed in a different classroom. You definitely have the right to feel creeped out. I would.

Our school, the instructors can only contact you by email, I think this is best to avoid situations such as yours. Best of luck to you.

Specializes in Hemodialysis, Home Health.
I suggest you pull him aside and talk to him about how uncomfortable you are with this. If you are afraid of retaliation from him (especially with your grade), go to the dean immediately and demand to be placed in a different classroom. You definitely have the right to feel creeped out. I would.

Our school, the instructors can only contact you by email, I think this is best to avoid situations such as yours. Best of luck to you.

I agree... calling you on the phone is pushing it a bit, and IMO, inappropriate.

I would inform him nicely and tactfully, that you appreciate his kind words, but prefer to keep professional student/faculty distance and not be called at home.

Perhaps that way you won't pizz him off and have to worry about retaliation in your grades, should you have him in another class.

Should you get any more calls after that, or notice any "advances" on his part, I'd certainly make the school aware of it.. and yes, DO save the phone calls, in case you would need them as back-up later.

Hope not.. but you never know. :rolleyes:

Get the police involved.

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

I agree with jnette and she especially brought up a great the evidence (messages and caller id's). Getting the police involved is a bit extreme IMO. Take it step by step until it is resolved.

I have never had a professor do these... kinda creepy. If it were me I have found that I am not one to stir the waters. I, personally, would wait to see if he made another call and left a message. I had one professor who called each of us to let us know our grade... pretty cool... she called during the semester to see if you ok if you werent in class, etc. OR if I was really worried about what was going on (Only know you know how you feel around this teacher... do you feel like he is making advances towards you? or just being nice? etc...) I would have a friend go with me (power in numbers) and perhaps would pop my head into his office or a classroom before his class begins and just say "saw your number on my caller id last week and didnt know if you needed something... my boyfriend didnt mention a message but he may have forgotten to tell me if you left one" and see what it says. At that point he will get the signal that not only do you have boyfriend but you also are in a steady enough relationship that he would be checking your messages (even if it the relationship is not to that level it cant hurt to go a little overboard in this case I dont think)...

Best of luck! Thankfully I have not had any creepy professors... although my lab group has become pretty good friends with our old lab professor... he even came out to dinner with us when we went out before the start of this semester... but I highly doubt anyone could call him creepy!

Good luck!


Specializes in Operating Room.

If your caller ID can't save the numbers forever, take a photo of them, and print them out at CVS, Walgreens, Wal-mart, etc...

Save the message as well. If it is on tape, do not use that tape anymore, get another one. If it is digital, do not use save the message permently, or get another answering machine....something!

This would freak me out as well. One time, maybe, but to see his number again after the speaking with excuse.

I WOULD TALK TO YOUR SCHOOL'S ADMINISTRATION ABOUT THIS!!!!!!! If something happens, it needs to be documented!

If your caller ID can't save the numbers forever, take a photo of them, and print them out at CVS, Walgreens, Wal-mart, etc...

Save the message as well. If it is on tape, do not use that tape anymore, get another one. If it is digital, do not use save the message permently, or get another answering machine....something!]

You can write down the date and time he called. If it gets to the point where the police have to get involved, the detective can usually subpoena the phone company for those specific dates and times. At least that's how it is where I live.

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