Cost of Your RN Program?


Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

Which RN school do you attend? Most importantly, how much is the tuition altogether? Thanks!

Florida International University, cost was $91 something per credit. A semester cost me $1300.00 including books, lab fees, etc. I went for 5 semesters so the total was around $6000.00....This was for a BSN 2003-2005.

I live in southern il, and Shawnee CC, wich I have attended for my LPN, and will attend next fall for my RN, the RN program for everything: tuition, books, misc supplis, and uniforms will run a little less thatn 2,000 I believe. plus this school offers lots of grants and everything else.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

My LVN schooling cost slightly over $20,000 and I made my first student loan payment last month. I am simply seeking an LVN-to-RN program that costs less than half of my LVN tuition ($10,000 or less). That's why I would be willing to wait to get into a community college or state university RN program. Public RN schools tend to be significantly cheaper than their private counterparts.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
I live in southern il, and Shawnee CC, wich I have attended for my LPN, and will attend next fall for my RN, the RN program for everything: tuition, books, misc supplis, and uniforms will run a little less thatn 2,000 I believe. plus this school offers lots of grants and everything else.
By the way, welcome to this site! :)

I can tell that you joined not too long ago.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Tele, Peds, LDRP.

Im going to Excelsior College, and since I already have most of the pre reqs and I wont be signing up with a publishing company, it should only cost me around $4000-5000 which to me is great for being able to do it on your own time :)

Do community colleges offer LVN program or only the private ones? And is it transferrable to the ADN program?

I attend community college in the local area and for the bridge program I've spent alittle over $2100. That include tuition,books, insurance and uniforms. The hospital that I work at offers tuition reimbursement so that a major +. Lnv programs are offered at many community colleges and the credits can transferred to the Lvn to Rn bridge programs.

Which RN school do you attend? Most importantly, how much is the tuition altogether? Thanks!

Wow I am stunned at the cost some people pay for LVNs and Medical Assisting Programs, most RN programs at community colleges are far cheaper.

I went to Palomar Community College - tuition is low anyway - I believe $20 a credit? But I got a fee waiver because I met income guidelines and tuition was FREE. Books were about $800 the first year, about $400 the second. Incidentals maybe another $400 (parking, insurance, exam, uniforms, stethoscope, shots, TB test etc)

Now I am doing my BSN online. Since I already have a BA I only needed 10 classes and it's $200 a class plus an out of state tuition waiver. Works out to be about $500 a class - so my BSN will cost me $5000. Plus books though which I try to buy used to save $.

i went to a private school near chicago; started at about $475 a semester hour my first semester. went up to $575 by my final semester. seeing as i took 14 credit hours my final semester, i got charged a little over $8,000 that time. that did not include books, gas..... no loans, but did get a phi beta kappa break. was it worth it? yeah, it was.

I live in Kentucky which is not far from Shawnee CC and I have been looking at their website. Unfortunately there is not a link on their website for me to request information about their LPN-RN program. I have attended SCC in the past because I am originally from Southern Illinois. My co-workers are also interested. If you can send a link to their nursing website it would be greatly appreciated.

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