cost of books this expensive??

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


gotta vent really quick guys but i got a book list for 1 of my classes (into to prof nursing) and it called for 10 books! just for one class! I went to and found all of them and it equaled up to be $250 for just one class! i thought this was ridiculous. Did you guys have to shell out so much for just this class?


Make friends with someone in your class, and make a deal that you'll buy half and they'll buy half, and you all will share back and forth. That's what we had to do in my CRNA program, where the routine textbook is 150+, and we need 10-12 a semester.

I don't see how sharing a nursing book would really work out. Unless you're going to spend 24/7 studying with that person it doesn't seem like a good arrangement. What if you're the type that has to constantly look at the book, I don't think you can call them at 9 or 10 at night and ask to see the book.

wow guess thats what i have to look forward too geesh

I went to a community college and several semesters the books were more expensive than the tuition. For my first semester of nursing school, I spent $1200 on books. Buy on ebay and amazon and sell them after on ebay.

Specializes in Med/Surg - Cardiovascular.

I just got my book list for my first semester of a direct entry program. The list price for all of the books (required and recommended) is $1,100. Being new to nursing, it's hard to tell which of the recommended books are really needed, and which are just nice to have.

Just going to, I got down to $860. Fortunately, it looks like a lot of these books willl be used in the spring semester and beyond. I am going to try to buy some used to save more.

I feel your pain!

well i start my nursing classes in the fall and i started looking for my required text online. i did purchase one of my science books online for 35 dollars and the book was in great condition. so if you really want to save some money look on,,, and i am sure you can find others but they are really cheap if you purchase them offline or even barnes and nobles used or amazon used. because you barely use some of them. good luck

Specializes in Med/Surg - Cardiovascular.

Thanks for the tip, I will check out some of those other sites.

Specializes in Dementia,. Alzheimer's.

when I was taking up my nursing pre-classes my overall books were that and more so i started getting my books from or buying them used which ever comes best unless it was for my science i needed those cds that were in them but if they had it in a used book i just got that one but nursing book are very expensive i have a friend in lpn school who tells me her books dont come cheap so i plan to buy mine from her (Gift from god. International edition seller. Books come with the label - Not for sell in the US. Hilarious! ) (rent books) (check out facebook market place)

I got most of my prereq books on craigs list...big help.

Specializes in Nothing yet - Interested in the O.R..

There is a really good website called and will give you a rundown of the cheapest cost for the books that you are looking for. It includes all the normal websites you would go to when looking for textbooks (i.e. amazon, b&n etc,, etc.). Except it doesn't include Craigslist. And I know this may sound bad, but for software, maybe you should try bit torrents. These companies make enough money as it is, and forget that we are students... and strapped for cash! Good luck!!!! :idea:

Specializes in Med/Surg - Cardiovascular.

I checked out yesterday. A huge help, chopped another $150 off my total in much less time than if I had done all of the searches on my own. Thanks!

Specializes in PCU, LTAC, Corrections.

Consider your self luck.y. For the BSN program I have eye on the one of the first classes has a txtbook price of $500+ and there is still 4 classes. But I will see it as an investment...... towards the next 40yrs of my life.

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