correctional nursing pay rate


I applied for a job at a local prison but the pay was much lower than I expected and i was nervous about that type of work as i tend to trust people I'm caring for, so i declined the job. I'm wondering what pay most of you are getting

Please read this story about working in a prison.I have a DEAR FRIEND who has been exposed to HIV twice in 5 years. The first exposure, she got stuck by a Hiv+ Inmate's used diabetic lance that was put in his accucheck supply bag.It was left in there by error by a staff nurse. After 2 months treatment with those ulgy acting meds, she was neg after many Hiv test.THEN---3 years later-- while giving Hiv meds to another Hiv + Inmate that was just placed in seg for sexually harassing an Female Officer---spit on my friend's face , on her eyeglasses and in her eyes---three times rapidly and tried for a fourth time but she said that she jumped back. The Officer with her----just stood there with his hands in his pockets and did not pepper spray the Inmate.The other officer was outside smoking, which she questioned.The policy was for 2 officers to be with the nurse.--After taking the evil acting [ nausea, vomiting and diarrhea}Hiv med again for 2 months accompanying with depression and crying, the adminstration acted unconcerned. Her co-workers were the only ones who acted concerned along with friends like me.Anyone else have a situation that has occurred to you or a friend?

Specializes in Corrections, Psych, ICU/CCU.

I am administrator at a Florida jail that is (yikes!!!) privatized. We are not the enemy folks!!! Private companies are INVITED into the systems because of the state/county reluctance to pay, monitor, support and manage health care, not to mention the supposed financial advantages of not running their own medical units. Much to everyone's surprise, private companies have benefits, job security, pay raises, etc. Many staff formerly employed with the state/counties going private elect to stay with the companies that take over. Even if a contract is lost, no company has a busload of nurses to bring in if they win the contract! The down side, howver, is the loss of seniority and accompanying benefits for the employees. Even with that disadvantage, the staff usually remains there. Salaries unfortunately are lower than hospitals, etc, but there are benefits, pensions, 401k, hospitalization etc. The average rate for LPN in Fla is 10.00/hr, RN's 20.00 hr. Most have generous differential pay for off shifts. I agree,, it doesn't compete with hospitals, but I for one would never return to hospital nursing after working in corrections. I love it!

Specializes in Corrections, Psych, ICU/CCU.

In reply to Mrsgardener: There is no guarantee that that would not have happened to your friend in any medical unit. Unfortunately, HIV is spreading. the only advantage is that in corrections we at least know who's positive! There are disadvantages to every area to work. It sounds like your friend's experience was pretty hard. I would have pursued the issue of having no support from security in her situation with the warden or someone in charge!

Thanks Rambo-ette for your advise.I will relay it to her. She tells me that she has periods of depression.I try to be her friend and just listen to her.She has a new job now and appears much happier!

I have worked at a private prison in TN. CCA (Corrections Corp. of America) The pay varies with the city and cost of living.

As an LPN my starting pay was $12.50 an hour. Another more rural prison nearby starts around $11/hr. Memphis metro makes about the same as I made.

I was laid off along with several other nurses due to a change of contract. I took a job that pays much better, but I absolutely LOVED working at the prison. I would like to take up the offer to go back but I guess I'm just too greedy.:rolleyes:

Prison work is definitely different. If you can tolerate the prisoners/patients. It'll keep you nervous at first. Once you get used to it, it really isn't all that scary anymore. The inmates didn't ever give me any serious problems.

I live in KY and the federal prison nearby starts most RN's at around19$...then there is the step system...I think each yr it goes up so much. You can't beat their retirement and benefits. Thats my get in that prison.

I work in a county jail (not privatized) and our pay scales are $30,166.46 to 47,488.48 for LPN's and $42,218.00 to $63,327.00 for RN's plus we have paid retirement into the Florida retirement system, uniforms & lots of bene's. Hope this helps

Specializes in Corrections, Psych, Med-Surg.

maia writes: "Thats my get in that prison."

Well, just rob a bank.

Originally posted by sjoe

maia writes: "Thats my get in that prison."

Well, just rob a bank.

:rotfl: that is funny sjoe !

Does anyone in PA know the rates for Graterford Prison in Montgomery County or Norristown state hospital? Any state run correctional facility in PA? I know the prison contractors around here pay very low.

I think your salary depends on the company you work for. I work for CMS-correctional medical services. there salary ranges and benefits are wonderful. PHS on the other hand pay terribly. look into CMS employed prisons.


Just hired on, less than a week ago, in N. CA prison, as a registry RN earning 50.00 an hour all shifts/no differential/no OT. I have both ER and ICU experience. Have found my ER exp. to be the most useful. Ran into a fellow RN working same registry/same prison with no ER/ICU background; doing fine.

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