I'm throwing out a scenario. Please tell me what you would do (especially regarding oxygen much to give and through what device)
Patient with COPD is found with oxygen saturation of 62% after working with therapy. Lungs have fine crackles in bilat lower lobes, c/o feeling light headed and SOB. Cyanosis to lips. Currently on 4 L (baseline for patient) on a NC. Patient placed in high fowler position and encouraged to cough and deep breathe. Oxygen saturation raises to 70%. Ordered PRN duoneb (q4h) was given 1 hour ago. Increased oxygen, and sats sit in mid 70s at 6L. Do you go to a non-breather or face max at a high rate of oxygen per lpm and risk hypercapnia? Or do you focus more on getting their o2 up?
Note- I am in a small rehab facility with no RT or rapid response team.