Convincing a stubborn husband

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello all! I am a newbie to the site and have to say that I absolutely love it. All of the support on here is amazing. Well here is my story. I started college in 2002 as a biology major knowing that I wanted to do something in the medical field. I went to school part-time because I had to maintain a full-time job. In 2005 I found out I was pregnant and had a really rough pregnancy. After my son came, I had no time for labs and couldn't even consider clinicals so I changed my major to business. I then got a job at a CPA firm and have been working as an accountant for 3 years. Well I am miserable and hate sitting at a desk all day. I feel like I was robbed of what I wanted to do with my life. Now, I want to go back to school for a second degree in nursing and my husband is really upset with me. He is so happy that we are finally living comfortably and not living pay check to paycheck anymore. He thinks I am crazy for wanting to change professions because I make really good money, but he just can't understand that I am going nuts at work. I spend a quarter of my work day researching nursing and studying for the entrance exams when I should be working, but I just can't stay focused. I have applied for the LPN program in the area because the RN application passed a while ago. So I know I will have to quit my day job because night classes are not an option. I guess I am just asking if I am crazy for wanting to do this. For wanting to go back living on a tight budget and getting a job for the next year where I will be lucky to make half what I make now and that is if I work full time. I really want this and am willing to work hard for it. My son is three now and he is so much easier to take care of. It might not seem right but I know that if I need to study now, I can let him watch a cartoon for a while. That wasn't an option back then.

Sorry for the long post.



I have really enjoyed reading this thread. I went through "convincing a stubborn husband" myself. I am a sahm and am married to a very traditional man- he believes he should provide for us, and that I should take care of our home and children. Convincing him that I need to go back to nursing school has been so challenging. When I finally backed down and stopped telling him what I should do and began asking him what he felt a good solution was, he began to come around. I have been taking prereq classes the last year and the pride I have taken in myself and my school work has definitely made an impression on my husband. As I am waiting to hear back from one ADN and two BSN programs, my husband is actually getting excited about where I will be accepted.

Bottom line, I hope you can convince your husband that you should go to nursing school, but it may take time. I agree with what someone else said that perhaps you should wait and apply for RN (vs LPN) programs next year. If there is a university near you, check and see if they have a BSN program, even an accelerated program for students with a BS degree. While you are researching and working on convincing your husband that nursing is your calling, maybe accounting will be a bit easier with the light at the end of tunnel, waiting for you. Good luck!

I was also in a job I hated before deciding to pursue my dream of becoming a nurse. I was in the Army for a little over 7 and a half years, which was almost at the halfway point for career soldiers. I hated it. But like others in previous posts have said, you should pursue your dream of becoming a nurse, but you should also plan and prepare for it. If RN is what you want, then hold off on it for awhile and pay off your debts in the meantime so your family isn't struggling. My husband and I did that--we paid off our vehicles and credit cards before I got out--and then I went to school.

I just try to remind myself and my husband that our situation is temporary, and one day we will be able to do what we used to, but money isn't all it's cracked up to be. And if mama's unhappy, the family is unhappy.

One last thing. I believe that when God puts a passion in your heart, he intends for you to carry out that plan and He will be with you every step of the way to see that you have the means to do it.

hope this helps :saint:

Well thank you everyone for your responses. It is amazing how much an online forum can be a support system. My husband and I have talked it through and decided that we are going to "strap down" and just get it over with. He knows I am really unhappy and is starting to understand that I have taken care of him while he has got his business now it is my turn. I am so excited to start working torwards something with meaning!

Thanks again

Well thank you everyone for your responses. It is amazing how much an online forum can be a support system. My husband and I have talked it through and decided that we are going to "strap down" and just get it over with. He knows I am really unhappy and is starting to understand that I have taken care of him while he has got his business now it is my turn. I am so excited to start working torwards something with meaning!

Thanks again

:yeah::yeah::yeah:That is such great news, I wish you all the best, allnurses has been a wonderful support system to all of us I believe. We are all able to log into and share each others struggles and success on the road to nursing and even while we are in the field of our new career.

I think before you do anything make sure you know what nursing is all about. Do some volunteer work close to patients. Nothing would be more discouraging in life than to go into another field only to find you hate that too. I am saying this because maybe your dissatisfaction is caused by something deeper than you realize and I have met many nurses who hated nursing and wanted to change fields.

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