I'm practicing for my drug calc retake and there's another question that is plaguing me.
Order: Heparin 28mL/hr
Available: 25,000units/500mL
What is the dose being delivered? ____units/hr
Again, I'm not looking for the answer as I already have it (1400units/hr)
I just need some help figuring out a conversion...one of these bogus sites said 40u=1ml
(28x40= 1120. 1120/25000x500=22.4) and another said 1 unit = .01ml. (28x.01=0.28. Which I already know from looking at it, it won't work.) So, they both don't work out. I have no idea where to go from here! Sigh.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?! I BEG you!
16 Posts
I'm practicing for my drug calc retake and there's another question that is plaguing me.
Order: Heparin 28mL/hr
Available: 25,000units/500mL
What is the dose being delivered? ____units/hr
Again, I'm not looking for the answer as I already have it (1400units/hr)
I just need some help figuring out a conversion...one of these bogus sites said 40u=1ml
(28x40= 1120. 1120/25000x500=22.4) and another said 1 unit = .01ml. (28x.01=0.28. Which I already know from looking at it, it won't work.) So, they both don't work out. I have no idea where to go from here! Sigh.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?! I BEG you!