Controversial Michael Moore Flick 'Sicko' Will Compare U.S. Health Care with Cuba's

Nurses Activism


Health care advances in Cuba

According to the Associated Press as cited in the Post article, "Cuba has made recent advancements in biotechnology and exports its treatments to 40 countries around the world, raking in an estimated $100 million a year. ... In 2004, the U.S. government granted an exception to its economic embargo against Cuba and allowed a California drug company to test three cancer vaccines developed in Havana."

Preventive care is cheaper than cure...

20 20 did a counter interview with michael moore, he refused to answer a lot of questions about the exaggerated and misleading aspects of his film. My eyes and ears are open but the bttom line is, I am glad to be an american and if I am going to be sick someplace, please let it be here.

Its good as long as you can pay for your care....(Or have one of the ever shrinking jobs that offer good family care.)

bradley, i am almost certain it is way exaggerated. he came up with good stories about adequate healthcare recv'd in other countries and hardly a negative comment about people dying on lists while being treated in a country with socialized medicine. if i had the money, i would make a counter film to sicko and find tons of people who are receiving excellent healthcare in this country without the red tape, and people losing body parts to infection in other countries. i am almost certain his film is very exaggerated

based on what???? the commonwealth fund actually has found that other countries have both better access to care and better health statistics overall from a population standpoint.



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and what waiting times?


I guess from reading these posts McCain will be the next President of the United States. He is for Universal Healthcare. I always thought nurses were Democrats.

The disaffected seem to write the most...

People don't want universal health care because we don't want a 20% increase in taxes to pay for it. We don't want to pay for Nancy Pelosis's constituents to have sex change operations. We don't want to pay for health care for illegal aliens. Perhaps if you liberals started to have to foot the bill for these things your attitudes would change. I guarantee all of you want universal heath care but none of you want to pay for it. When everyone pays the additional $1000/month per person in your family that this entitilement will cost then I want to hear how great you think universal health care is. Liberals are long on lip service but short on proividing the capital to fund these grand tax schemes.

Specializes in Critical care, tele, Medical-Surgical.

Does Michael Moore doctor in Cuba or the U.S.? Nuff said.


Perhaps if you liberals started to have to foot the bill for these things your attitudes would change.

all of you want universal heath care but none of you want to pay for it.


Liberals are long on lip service but short on proividing the capital to fund these grand tax schemes.

I find these generalizations disturbing and, more importantly, inaccurate. You act as if you are the only person whose tax dollars would be used to support the healthcare of the entire country and you know that's not true. Everybody who pays taxes pays into it and everybody benefits from it. Nobody here has ever said that they aren't willing to pay for it, and your characterization of liberals wanting to spend everyone else's money does little to help find a solution. The last I checked the current conservative government has spent a lot of MY tax money to fund an unnecessary war that has cost money, lives, and the mental health of many.

Instead of attacking everyone who doesn't agree with you, why not suggest a viable alternative?

Specializes in OB, HH, ADMIN, IC, ED, QI.
It's over exaggerated and pretty inaccurate. An ER can't forcefully remove someone- EMTLA. I seriously wonder where Moore came up with these stories.

Excuse me!!!

Michael Moore's sources were thoroughly checked by several media networks and found to be absolutely accurate. Federal Law states that ED patients who are stableized may be discharged at will.

There was a 20/20 report about that, as well as 60 minutes program validating the film's information. Write them for a copy of those programs, and see the truth. The above post is conjecture!:argue:

Specializes in OB, HH, ADMIN, IC, ED, QI.
It's over exaggerated and pretty inaccurate. An ER can't forcefully remove someone- EMTLA. I seriously wonder where Moore came up with these stories.

Does Michael Moore doctor in Cuba or the U.S.? Nuff said.

In the film, he indicated that the care in Cuba was superior to that in the USA, and he would accept care there, in preference to that in the USA!

In a recent Oprah show, he said he's gladly wait a longer time for non emergency surgery, if it meant that 50,000,000 people would have health care insurance coverage. Would you?

My sister and brother-in-law who live in Torobto, Ontario, Canada have no longer waits for their surgery, specialist and pain care than we do, in the USA, yet everyone regardless of the size of their bank accounts there (or lack thereof), gets equal care. They may, if financially able, go to any other countryas we do, for care that isn't immediately or otherwise available.

I remember the disappointing treks by those who wanted unproven apricot pit therapy in Mexico, 30 years ago, at their own expense.:no:

Specializes in OB, HH, ADMIN, IC, ED, QI.
People don't want universal health care because we don't want a 20% increase in taxes to pay for it. We don't want to pay for Nancy Pelosis's constituents to have sex change operations. We don't want to pay for health care for illegal aliens. Perhaps if you liberals started to have to foot the bill for these things your attitudes would change. I guarantee all of you want universal heath care but none of you want to pay for it. When everyone pays the additional $1000/month per person in your family that this entitilement will cost then I want to hear how great you think universal health care is. Liberals are long on lip service but short on proividing the capital to fund these grand tax schemes.

Are our insurance premiums today higher, due to sex change surgery done on others? Do we pay higher premiums due to non disease related cosmetic surgery? Nonsense!!!!

What a stupid excuse to rant about Nancy Pelosi's constituents.

We've been paying for all health care given all needy aliens, here legally or illegally since they began coming here in a trickle, and then the dam broke, costs escalated, and angered by taxes imposed and threats to the status quo (in regard to health care), everyone without a bean of intelligence, or research into actual facts regarding a comparison of the cost now, and estimations based on fact, that future health care programs will cost.

Do you enjoy paying higher taxes for war efforts that kill young men and women in battle, cost unbelievable amounts of $$$$$$$$ for the treatment and rehabilitation of soldiers afterward, allow the rich to profit as independant contractors (think Vice President Chaney)for their war contracts (with no comparative bids)? Wouldn't you sleep better knowing your tax money went toward life enhancement rather than death and dismemberment and lifelong mental disabilities caused by violence?

Have you any idea what the salaries of big health insurance companies are? They're obscenely in the millions, yearly. Wouls you wait a few weeks longer (needing effective analgesics) for your impending non emergency surgery, so that a fellow human being who happens to exist in this country and work for illegal profiteers, might have health care benefits?

Please think about and research your viewpoints before you write such scurilous attacks! :banghead:

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