Considering an ADN over a BSN but already have a bachelors


Hello everyone,

I had a question regarding the associates and the bachelor's degree in nursing. Currently I am active duty Air Force, but plan on getting out soon and am hoping to change my career to nursing. I have a degree in logistics management and organizational management, so going back to school is going to be pretty much coming out of pocket ( as far as living expenses go, because my schooling should be covered by my GI bill) and have been hoping to weigh the benefits over having an associates over a bachelors program in nursing.

I understand that most employers prefer a bachelors, but since the RN title is obtained from both degrees ( both take the same nclex, both participate in similar coursework) I was wondering which would be more beneficial to me, as someone who already holds a couple degrees under his belt. From what I understand, the bachelors encompasses more business and liberal arts coursework,correct?I understand there are accelerated programs, but unfortunately, staying in one area for more than a year is going to be a problem for me ( my wife is still Active duty) so given my time constraints it would be difficult for me to complete a 18 month accelerated program. My overall goal is to eventually apply to become a Nurse Practitioner, but from what I have read I can apply with any degree as long as I'm an RN. I also understand that employment varies inbetween areas, but I am hoping to come back to Texas to be a nurse.

So my question to you,, is which degree from your experience would be a better option for me? Anyways, thanks in advance for all of your responses and I am looking forward to reading all of your replies. This website has been a great resource for me!

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

Your degree in logistics, etc. will be of limited use to you in getting a job as a nurse. If you get the ADN, you will graduate in pretty much the same situation that all the other new grad ADN's are in -- and will have varying degrees of difficulty getting a nursing job depending on exactly where you want to work. Browse the threads here and you will see that the preference for BSN's is getting pretty strong in some areas. So, unless you are sure you will work in an area where the BSN is not yet required, then it is risky to get only the ADN.

It also depends on what type of work you want to do. For example, if you want to work in a Long Term Care facility (e.g. nursing home) and maybe be an NP who specializes in geriatrics ... your ADN might be more accepted for your first nursing job. But if your heart is set on adult med/surg, ICU, etc. and you want to work in a major acute care hospital ... well ... those are the types of places that usually place more emphasis on the BSN.

Good luck to you regardless of what you decide.

I too have BS in another field. Career changer. For me, it made most sense to do ADN with intent of doing ADN-BSN.

If I was young and single and could move, I would have done BSN at a state school.

Eventually, you will need to get your BSN. If you can easily go that route, I'd say do it.

I am seeing hospitals back down a little from strict BSN required probably because most nurses are still trained ADN and they are missing out on a lot of good people and shear numbers of applicants. I think it's about 60% are still graduating from ADN programs. They are beginning to use language like BSN required within 5 years or ADN with BS in another field.

Specializes in Anesthesia.

Hey man, you will hear a lot of varying ways to go about this. In all honesty, you really need to pursue the avenue that best suits your family, which usually is the cheapest route in my book. I graduated with a BA in psych, and then went back to school to get my ADN from a CC. Had no issue with getting hired, nor was there any stigma associated with my ADN vs BSN. In fact, many of the managers I knew "preferred" the ADN vs the BSN prepared RN's because they seemed better prepared clinically to take patients from the get-go. Usally this is the result of the BSN students having to devote time to non-clinical subjects such as Theory, Law/policy, etc...I then obtained my BSN via online at the University of NC at Chapel Hill. It took one year to get it and I was able to work full-time. It is extremely nice to have income coming in when your in school! I now am in CRNA school and will graduate with my MSN in 10 months.

Did my BSN help me out with my job? NO. Did my BSN increase my pay? NO. Did my BSN change the way I practiced? NO. Will I most likely will get shunned by someone on allnurses. for saying that---yes....however it is the truth. A BSN most likely will get you into management positions quicker as opposed to an ADN.

Although you already have 4 year degree, it unfortunately doesn't mean S*%T in the nursing world. Sad but true!! :) Unless you took a lot of pre req's already I would bet you are going to have to take some chemistries, math, biology, etc just to get into a program. Again, do this the cheapest way. Find a community college that you can take these classes at and many of them can be taken to continue if you MOVE.....

You said your end goal was to become a NP. Once you become a RN, there are numerous RN to MSN programs and even more BSN-MSN programs. Cannot stress it enough----find what will suit your needs accordingly. If your wife is still Active Duty, then online programs may be the best route for you.

Hope this helps....i'd be glad to talk more if ya want to. Also, THANK YOU----to you and your wife for serving our country!

i was a USAF brat.. (dad was a full-bird). I know what you go through!

First....I never understand why ADNs feel they are better prepared clinically? All hour requirements are the same. Technically, BSNs have a larger knowledge base due to patho classes they have to take. So that's the first difference. Have you checked the base hospitals? Will they hire you with an ADN? As a prior service member and spouse you have preferential hiring status and they will understand the job hopping. For ease of movement? Though I disagree with the previous posters reasons as to why he was a better nurse with an ADN then fellow may be simpler to go the ADN route and work your way up. Either way, immediate job or not, you can still move if you have to and school will move with you if you do an online bridge program. There are also MANY degree-BSN/MSN programs that will utilize your prior degree and expedite the process.

Specializes in burn ICU, SICU, ER, Trauma Rapid Response.

The realiety of nursing is that previous degrees are not valued.


ADN + any other degree/degrees = ADN

Seems the fastest rout for you might be an accelerated BSN.

Also once you have that first job the ADN vs BSN pretty much goes away, assuming that you will do an RN to BSN program. You could probaly do it in 6-12 months part time online since you already have a bachelors degree.

I don't know what would be best for you but I can tell you this. I regulary have ADN nursing students do thier preceptorship with me. I haven't noticed any of them having much if any trouble finding acute care RN jobs after graduation. Could just be my area (upper midwest, MN & WI). Also being a vet consider Indian Health Service and the VA. Good luck!


Specializes in burn ICU, SICU, ER, Trauma Rapid Response.
First....I never understand why ADNs feel they are better prepared clinically?.

*** We have nursing student from several schools of nursing in my hospital reguarly. I nearly alwasy have a nursing student precepting with me. Half of them are BSN student from two different BSN programs and half of them are ADN students from one community college. In my opinion the ADN students from this particular school are better prepared clinicaly than the BSN student from either school.

We also have a 9 month nurse residency program for new grads going into specialiety areas. We hire both ADN and BSN grads (direct entry MSN grads no longer considered for employment as new grads). Some of them fail out and some go on to be competant ICU (or other specialiety unit) RNs. We have found we can't predict who will do well and who won't based on ADN vs BSN. Grads from both fail out and grads from both do very well. One key difference we have discovered. A low percentage of the BSN grads go on to complete their 2 year (now 3 year) contracts required to get into the residency vs 100% (so far) of ADN grads finishing their contracts.

Sorry for hyjacking the discussion.

First....I never understand why ADNs feel they are better prepared clinically? All hour requirements are the same. Technically, BSNs have a larger knowledge base due to patho classes they have to take.

All programs are different. My friend is in 1st semester of clinicals of a BSN program. I will start clinicals at an ADN program in January. His first semester he does not have clinicals at a healthcare setting. They log "clinical" hours, but it is all in the lab at school. When I start clinicals I will start in a healthcare setting the 2nd week of class for 8 hours a week. Some schools DO have more clinical time than other schools. I wouldn't say that all ADN programs have more clinical hours, there are BSN programs that have more clinical hours than his program and my program. It depends on the school. We also take just as many patho classes as his program does.

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.

If you have a BA or BS in another discipline, the accelerated BSN is the way to go. Done in one year. By the time you're starting the 2nd year of an ADN program you could (ideally) already be licensed and working and making money as a BSN, RN.

Specializes in Acute Care, Rehab, Palliative.

If you want to be an NP you will need your BSN at some point.You may as well get it now.Your other degrees will be of little use as a nurse and an employer won't care about non nursing degrees.

Specializes in Anesthesia.

Wow...didn't take long! :) Was going to right a rebuttal however by the number of responses, I'm sure you are smart enough to make a decision. Again bro, do what is best for your situation .....Good Luck....Keep in mind the accelrated and traditional BSN programs may present as a bit more difficult to work while going through. Sure there are people who have done it and have done fine. Just and FYI....

Specializes in burn ICU, SICU, ER, Trauma Rapid Response.
If you want to be an NP you will need your BSN at some point.You may as well get it now.Your other degrees will be of little use as a nurse and an employer won't care about non nursing degrees.

*** There is no need to have a BSN if one wants to be an advanced practice nurse. Many schools will accept other degrees and some schools don't require a degree at all. One can go from RN to MSN without having or obtaining a bachelors degree.

However the BSN won't hurt and would give more options.

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